Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [be] made to " in BNC.

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1 The IBM terminology for this product is used in this section , to enable easier reference to be made to the manual .
2 A Super Class 1 transaction will require an announcement to be made to the Company Announcements Office of the Stock Exchange and to the press and will require a circular to be sent to shareholders .
3 A Class 1 transaction will require an announcement to be made to the Company Announcements Office of the Stock Exchange and to the press and will require a circular to be sent to shareholders .
4 A Class 2 transaction will require an announcement to be made to the Company Announcements Office of the Stock Exchange and to the Press .
5 For the ‘ Silver Tours ’ package tour a column would show the inclusive charge to be made to ‘ Silver Tours Ltd ’ for the apartments and meals .
6 The voluntary levy has raised £2m so far and unions have pledged a further £7m to enable payouts of at least £100 a week to be made to those called out on strike .
7 Therefore we command you to cause trees to be felled in that dense part , and a ride to be made to the least possible damage of the forest , so that henceforth a way through those parts may be open for travellers without danger .
8 Easier , in the sense that it bans Germanic tricks to limit the transfer of ownership ; but more difficult by requiring an offer to be made to all shareholders at the same price , once a firm has accumulated 30% of the shares .
9 For the purposes of the Code and SARs , these include any rights acquired by a person by virtue of an agreement to purchase shares , or an option to acquire shares , or an irrevocable undertaking to accept an offer to be made to him .
10 IN Chapter 4 we described the transition into marriage , that process of disengagement from family , friends and the single state of mind that is necessary to enable a lifelong commitment to be made to another person .
11 It would , in my opinion , in many ways be more logical for an application to be released from custody on the ground of non-service or delayed service of a committal notice to be made to a first instance judge rather than direct to this court .
12 Alternatively , s.22(1) of the Alkali , etc. , Works Act 1906 provides for formal complaint to be made to HM Industrial Air Pollution Inspectorate via their inspectors , by any local authority or inhabitant of the district , if a process to which the Act applies is being carried on in contravention of the provisions of the Act and a nuisance has arisen .
13 ‘ If the local authority are satisfied that a nuisance has occurred , temporarily ceased , but is likely to recur , it may without serving an abatement notice , cause a complaint to be made to the magistrates court for making a nuisance order .
14 If , however , the agreement provides for payment to be made to any member of the group the position is less clear .
15 This directed the LTE to reduce fares by 25 per cent and involved a grant to be made to the LTE to meet the resulting deficit on revenue account .
16 ( 4 ) Where the arrangements for the admission of pupils to a school maintained by a local education authority provide for applications for admission to be made to , or to a person acting on behalf of , the governors of the school , a parent who makes such an application shall be regarded for the purposes of subsection ( 2 ) above as having expressed a preference for that school in accordance with arrangements made under subsection ( 1 ) above .
17 Is that the only correction to be made to table nine ?
18 An additional power is given by section 8 which allows an application to be made to a magistrate for a warrant to search for evidence of a serious arrestable offence .
19 It was concluded that there was little improvement to be made to the content of our induction package .
20 However , may I ask the Minister to take on board the fact that it would be appropriate for a statement to be made to the House tomorrow .
21 Before any fluttering expectations begin to arise in the minds or breasts — I do not mind which it is — of Opposition Members , I should say that I can not advise the House to write the two clauses into the Bill , because they deal , for example , with administrative matters such as a once-off requirement for a report to be made to Parliament — new clause 2 — and the keeping of a custody record — new clause 10 — that should not be set down in primary legislation .
22 It argued that of the half million British troops overseas , 200,000 were in areas that did not create a foreign currency liability , and of the rest few were in areas requiring direct dollar expenditure ; ‘ it follows that the contribution to be made to the balance of payments problem by the withdrawal of troops in overseas theatres will be strictly limited , will apply only to those areas when there is at present a currency obligation , and will produce little or no direct dollar saving . '
23 It was quite common in Judaism for an appeal to be made to a religious leader in matters of legal inheritance .
24 Section 312 Companies Act 1985 makes it unlawful for any compensation for loss of office to be made to a director of a company in connection with the transfer of all or any part of the company , unless the nature and particulars of the proposed payment have been disclosed to the members of the company and have been approved by the company .
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