Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [noun] [prep] only " in BNC.

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1 This predicted 91% of fetuses who became distressed in the first stage of labour , and combination with ultrasonographic estimation of the volume of amniotic fluid improved prediction to 100% with only a slight fall in specificity .
2 A swing to Labour of only 2.6 per cent is needed and the sitting Tory MP , David Amess , could lose his seat without the Conservatives losing the country .
3 Sealink British Ferries are running a special offer : a day trip to France for only £7 ( if you travel as a foot passenger ) .
4 As the people from whom paper SPRs originate may range from software developers with an intimate knowledge of the software to users with only a rudimentary understanding of computers , it is advisable to route incoming SPRs through a single responsible authority , or one per project , associated with the LIFESPAN manager .
5 Similarly , the declining firm has a share price of only 4.75 and sells at a multiple to earnings of only 2.50 , whereas the supernormal growth firm has a share price of 47.07 and sells at a multiple to earnings of nearly 19 .
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