Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [pron] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She concluded that ‘ It looks like misery — there 's no light in it at all — it 's too dull .
2 You have no Earl 's blood in you at all .
3 No Irish blood in you at all ?
4 There 's no harm in him at all . ’
5 Play and experiment of a more or less directly sexual nature is natural and normal among younger children and , provided it takes place in non-frightening circumstances between children of roughly the same age there is generally no harm in it at all .
6 No harm in it at all .
7 It was a clear , carrying command with no anxiety in it at all , and McLeish identified himself promptly .
8 Killing someone was one thing , but this was worse ; there was no honour or morality in it at all .
9 I remember one time er these barges , old barges when you used to come up there , they ai n't got any engine in 'em at all because now they got motors in 'em , but erm , at that time , I was asleep one night and er these barges had been up , they 'd been down the the engine room , cos the engine room and the stoke hall was all in one and th and then I was so sound asleep they 'd filled the sacks up with coal and took them up over the and took the only thing they did do they did n't take the shovel they 'd used , cos they bought their shovel from off the barge and they left that downhill that 's how they 'd pinched the coal .
10 How could she possibly expect a girl of Cissie 's years to understand how a woman could love so deeply that there seemed no shame in it at all ?
11 ‘ There 's no truth in it at all then , you do n't think ? ’ said Helen .
12 ‘ Nor was there any plan for Saunders to have any share in it at all , ’ he added .
13 Do n't you have any faith in me at all ?
14 Frankness was the only option open to him , and he had no faith in it at all .
15 It so happens Kelly and I have been looking forward to this weekend , and I guarantee that men will play no part in it at all . ’
16 There was no glory in it at all
17 When his lips came back to hers , Jenna was soft and pliant , no resistance in her at all , and he rolled on to his back , pulling her over him fiercely and cupped her hot face in strong fingers .
18 High-profile , big money American football is a game in which at all levels — schoolboy included — deliberately maiming and crippling opposition players is regarded as a legitimate tactic .
19 No life in it at all .
20 In fact , it seemed to be a school speciality that none of the doors fitted properly and the windows ( most of which were slit windows ) had no glass in them at all .
21 As he swivelled up he planted his most unabashed and flattering look on her , smiled slightly to animate the dimple in the scar , let his right hand trail towards his heart and , with a minute motion of his head ( his hat , of course , having been flourished off ) shook his long thick hair rather , he imagined , like a mane , breathing perceptibly heavily at the time so that with any sensitivity in her at all she would be in no doubt that her beauty had scored a palpable hit .
22 No no cruelty in it at all .
23 And they very seldom had a fire in it at all .
24 His wife gave him a long level look with no liking in it at all , and Penelope Huntley watched , fascinated .
25 But he has no interest in her at all .
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