Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [pron] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On Friday 24 March 1933 they set up an experiment in which a mixture of ethylene and benzaldehyde was pressurized to 1,900 atmospheres at 170°C in the hope that the two substances would combine together .
2 Schrödinger imagined an experiment in which a cat was placed in a sealed box with a sufficient supply of air to last it for the duration of the experiment .
3 As a matter of interest , I once met a forensic scientist fortunate enough to have been present during a research experiment in which a mummy was unwrapped .
4 The warning by a health advice group follows a unique experiment in which a doctor switched to a diet including the average adult consumption of the country 's favourite drinks , plus cigarettes .
5 Each night , for 10 week nights , BBC 2 will show a five-minute programme in which a celebrity ( previous years ' have ranged from Sting to Ted Heath ) describes the condition of a prisoner-of-conscience .
6 For the dreamer this illusion represents a deep and pleasurable necessity — which accounts for the well-known state of mind in which a dreamer can say , " It is a dream : I want to go on dreaming it . "
7 ROGER MILLS 's Bad Fun ( Lions Tracks , £2.50 ) takes a bitter look at the aftermath of a left-wing demonstration in which a teenager is killed .
8 Some writers have developed theories of English rhythm in which a unit of rhythm , the foot , is used ( with an obvious parallel in the metrical analysis of verse ) ; the foot begins with a stressed syllable and includes all following unstressed syllables up to ( but not including ) the following stressed syllable .
9 Incense or oil burner in the form of a Swastika adorning an ant-hill in which a Cobra or Nag is in residence .
10 We should visualize a common form of religious ceremony in which a group of priestesses sang , danced , chanted , and performed sacrifices and other rituals , as a preamble to a climactic event in which the leading priestess — the one Mark Cameron ( 1987 ) called the ‘ goddess-impersonator ’ — actually became the goddess .
11 The designation must not be misleading , nor must it be based on an area of practice in which a claim to specialisation or particular expertise would be improper ( see paragraph 2(b) above ) .
12 At the next peg was Bob Nudd , then a big gap in which a barge was moored , twenty yards from a swing bridge was my peg .
13 a dance figure in which a couple or couples join hands and dance round and round ; found in country dances such as the ‘ Sir Roger de Coverley ’ .
14 There is an annual review in which a report is made on the child 's progress .
15 Consider first a cross-section budget study in which a sample of families is classified according to their incomes .
16 This was illustrated most illuminatingly by a recent study in which a group of people were asked to eat more than a pound of potatoes each day ( baked in their skins , not fried ) in addition to whatever other food they could manage to eat .
17 We found a similar trend in a previous study in Hertfordshire , the only other study in which a group of people has been traced from birth to death .
18 Of the former , he wrote : ‘ The instrument in which a constitution is embodied proceeds from a source different from that whence spring other laws , is regulated in a different way , and exerts a sovereign force .
19 In North America many marshland bird species show polygyny , a condition in which a male is mated to several females who occupy his territory .
20 Severe spina bifida was the first condition in which a policy of selective non-treatment was clearly enunciated .
21 The form of the ritual may involve , for example , a circumambulation in which a horse is walked in a circle , clockwise , to effect a cure for its disease .
22 At times the question may arise as to the precise capacity in which a solicitor is in practice overseas , more especially where he or she has qualifications in two or more jurisdictions .
23 To treat the Christian story in this way was to produce the phenomenon of Gnosticism in which a claim to disclose secret revelation is combined with a mixing of myths and rites drawn from a variety of religious traditions .
24 It was thought the clash might be postponed after Scottish Under-21 international Salton , 20 , was badly injured in a car crash in which a woman was killed .
25 Part of the chapter on motivation deals with obesity , and the discussion of theories of why we stuff ourselves is capped by a cartoon in which a chef tells a fat blimp ‘ As far as I know there 's no such thing as a diet cream puff . ’
26 He suspected that Bishop Jon , who guessed , and Tuathal , who knew , had long discussed how to lead him to the state of proper sanctity in which a king should dwell .
27 His first novel , Another Roadside Attraction ( 1971 ) , sets up a ludicrous adventure plot in which two ‘ heroes ’ attempt to carry the mummified remains of Jesus ( seized from t base for a whole series of chronological divergences and a parallel plot in which a zoo and hot-dog joint , together , are established as the roadside attraction to the title .
28 By this time Lewis was off into a fantasy in which a girl Adam had got pregnant had been abandoned by him with their child at Wyvis Hall where she had later been murdered by a sinister caretaker .
29 The worker 's personal feelings may need to be acknowledged first , before it is possible to embark on the kind of work in which a couple of the generation of the worker 's parents or grandparents are encouraged to express their sexuality and personal needs .
30 The fifteenth century Camborne mystery play has a Satanic scene in which a cat is referred to : —
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