Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [noun] because [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 still budget , now you would have some decrease in costs because there would be less phone calls , there would be less paper , less trouble .
2 Therapy is not a guaranteed test in humans because there are intractable pains which fail to respond to any known therapy .
3 Think of the present problem with Bosnia there is n't a single er advanced industrial country that wishes to get engaged in ground warfare in Yugoslavia because there would be simply no point in it and any casualty er would be seen as a waste , as a throwing away of resources and you 'd have many casualties it 's argued .
4 I thought that was all about people feeling they 'd had their day in Parliament because there was a Tory majority of a hundred or more .
5 Collapsing companies : Try to order from companies that do n't require payment in advance because there 's little chance of getting your money back if the trader goes bust .
6 Looking at Figure 3.24 , we can not add this information in COURSE-DETAIL because there had been no allocation of this ‘ module ’ occurrence to any ‘ course ’ .
7 I am grateful to the Minister for clarifying that , and we shall wish to return to the matter in Committee because there must be safeguards on both sides .
8 It would be much more sensible to have a body responsible for surveying all transport activity in Scotland because there is no organisation with responsibility for doing that .
9 In more specific terms of the language , Newport and Bellugi ( 1978 ) were able to show that deaf people are not deficient in category structure in ASL because there appear to be no signs for category names such as ‘ tool ’ or ‘ furniture ’ .
10 I 'm not going to write about body language in detail because there are already several books on the subject ( see page 120 ) .
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