Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [noun] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 defendant in belief that it was necessary to enter an appearance before a payment into court could be made was not estopped when he sought to have the case dismissed for want of prosecution on discovering that the writ had not9 been served .
2 ‘ My singing career sort of got off the ground through the show too because it was when a few of us from the show got together to sing at a benefit concert for a football club in Australia that I first publicly sang ‘ The Locomotion . ’
3 There was no female suffrage in Paris that she could observe .
4 Pinned suddenly by the man 's dark gaze , Leith was all at once certain that Travis 's cousin had made up his mind in advance that she was more interested in Travis 's financial status than Travis himself .
5 He seemed to have made up his mind in advance that he could reveal a certain amount of information about the past rather than the present .
6 A discipline devoted to finding out the causes of crime in order that it may be stopped was , they pointed out , uncritically taking up an ideologically committed , conservative stance .
7 When the man saw this , he began to walk more quickly , then to run , as if triggered by some vulnerability in Nicola that he had n't found before .
8 At the end of 1830 Birmingham abolitionists were so disappointed at the failure of progress towards immediate emancipation in parliament that they floated the idea of a national delegate conference with the London committee to bring stronger action .
9 There had been times , after all , while he 'd been serving his stretch in prison that he really had wondered whether he had hallucinated it all ; wondered whether he was losing his mind .
10 Despite earlier statements , both public and private , by members of the new right-leaning administration in France that they had no intention of making any immediate change in France Telecom 's status , the government told the telephone operator 's board of directors meeting last week to consider spinning off its mobile telecommunications business and opening it up to international investment .
11 The individual piece-parts can be drawn on to separate layers of a working drawing in order that their movement can be visualized from any number of positions and orientations .
12 On 10 May 1794 , Huntingford wrote to the Speaker of the House of Commons ( who had himself been elected a vice-president of the College ) as follows : ‘ Honble Sir , I should not have taken the liberty of troubling you on the subject of the Veterinary College did not the recent business of Wm Stone who stands charged with High Treason prove the cause of his exerting himself to my prejudice in favor of M Vial the late Professor , to be that he might establish a French Connection in that Institution in order that he might through the channel carry on his correspondence with the enemy .
13 DURING the next six weeks Scotland are pledged to find the right blend in order that their assault on the Rugby World Cup Sevens at Murrayfield does not self-destruct .
14 So that it , it would actually fit the conditions in the south in terms that we are , you 're moving into an area of , of higher tenancy and therefore rent reduction , interest rate reduction is , would have a significant effect .
15 It is with this conception of the Newbolt Committee in mind that I now wish to examine their Report as a statement of cultural policy in the guise of a proposal for meeting educational requirements by merely technical means .
16 This is all part of the attitude in stratigraphy that I may call " the quest for the golden horizon " .
17 I think this shows a wonderfully sensitive and unselfish attitude in Patsy that she is prepared to accept this relationship .
18 What we think of in simple terms as electricity is related to the creative forces in the universe in ways that we can not imagine .
19 There is such a variety of good literature available for inclusion in syllabuses that we want teachers to have the freedom to make their own choice of suitable books within our broad guidelines .
20 Though any help is better than none , it is only when the enhancement is one extra teacher or more that schools really acquire the flexibility in staffing that they need if they are to carry through major reforms in curriculum and classroom practice .
21 While serial position effects are found and there is evidence of the use of a visual store in the final items of the list , there is no evidence of ‘ articulatory ’ enhancement of recall in sign that one gets from overt rehearsal of spoken items .
22 ‘ So far everything that we 've done we 've done keeping in mind that it has to be played live .
23 Mr Patten told the National House Building Council in London that his aim in the public rental sector was not to move to market-level rents or to end rent subsidies for the less well off .
24 But tutors were so impressed with the two girls ' work in textiles that they made them unconditional offers .
25 ‘ I think that the picture of a member of staff having to forcibly eject girls via the emergency exit in order that they could catch the school transport home speaks for itself ! ’
26 Mr Miles was found stabbed to death in the back garden of the home in Newtown that he shared with his parents and one of his brothers .
27 Maria Iñes was dumpy and talkative ; Maria Teresa was dark and very like João , though not quite so good looking , and Maria de Graça was taller , plainer , and so intent upon winning herself a place in Heaven that she had little conversation for anyone apart from Padre Jorge , an oily man with plump little hands and a great anxiety to be first to agree with Dom João in everything he said .
28 A and the , the key to the quality idea is that we manage job in order that we achieve the modest standards and satisfy the client at the end of the day accurately .
29 To do that , it assesses the difference in intensity of the sound in each ear and the infinitesimal difference in time that it takes to reach one ear before the other .
30 Do you feel at this point in time that it 's all been worth it ?
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