Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [noun] [Wh pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 In the wilder parts of Scotland , even the tracing of ownership could be difficult ; the owner of the Burgh of Clickamin , a Pictish broch in Shetland , was found to be an aged lady in Cheltenham who must , Pitt-Rivers insisted , be encouraged to sign over guardianship straight away , before she forgot all about it .
2 All are blessed with remarkable powers — from a boy in Kerala who could step into a mirror and emerge through any other reflective surface in India , to a girl ( or boy ) who could change his ( or her ) sex at will .
3 Establishing ourselves as a credible force in Germany and further east is not a simple task , but I am confident that we are gradually putting the team in place who will achieve this objective .
4 Fiah was perhaps the only African in Tanganyika who could be compared with those behind West Africa 's press of the same period , men like Akikiwe , Danquah and Jackson .
5 You 'd find lots of academics erm at the Shakespeare Conference in Stratford who would agree with you that there is far too much over-reading of Shakespeare .
6 The conference also included sessions led by local people with personal knowledge of poverty in Preston who will share their experiences .
7 He believed he had found a good humoured gentleman in Holland who would send him plants , but was critical of him for overheating his stoves .
8 He lost , thereby achieving the distinction of becoming the first person in history who could be proved to have failed his degree .
9 We did not know any influential person in Parma who could help us , and certainly there was no one in Fontanellato .
10 I have a friend in London who 'll put me up until I get myself sorted out .
11 Spells and love potions — not that Cormac ever needed them of course , because there was n't a woman in Ireland who 'd have resisted him .
12 I did a a complete song and it 's finished , right and I was thinking of actually erm seeing my mate in London who 'd get it cut on vinyl record .
13 As it happens I know a man in London who can handle the operation there for you . ’
14 ‘ There is n't a man in Britain who would be able to touch him at lightweight or light middleweight , ’ he said .
15 Well there 's an organization in Radford who can help out with both of these things they 're called A T O Training and they can tell you all you need to know about things like application forms and interview techniques as well as advice about further education and wan t what to do if you want to start your own business .
16 It 's very unusual to find a senior civil servant in France who ca n't speak either good English or good German or both , and it does make communications a lot easier .
17 4.20 Where clients are thought to be or are known to be a risk or danger to themselves , other clients or other people and are admitted to a residential or day care facility , their progress must be explicitly monitored by the officer in charge who should keep the line manager informed .
18 I have a solicitor in England who will reply to them and give them instructions . ’
19 or the redhead in detention who could prop
20 He went on to add that ‘ as a Spaniard she had the great advantage of not having any family in France who would have to be given honours and rewards ’ .
21 Mr Blake Lee-Harwood , water and pollution campaigner , said : ‘ It will awaken a lot of interest in others who may also want to sue polluters .
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