Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [v-ing] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 " A critic is entitled to dip his pen in gall for the purpose of legitimate criticism : and no one need by mealy-mouthed in denouncing what he regards as twaddle , daub or discord " .
2 As I am unable to call to discuss these with you in person during bank opening hours I should be grateful for a reply in writing which I can present to the Council at their next meeting on 2 April 1992 .
3 Her head was bent and her words were hardly audible above the noise of the traffic as she said , ‘ What 's the good in loving someone you … you can never have ? ’
4 A person may , in giving an account of his actions , appeal to the existence of a rule in justifying what he did .
5 Birds are much lower on the evolutionary scale , which is another criterion in determining what we consider cruelty to animals .
6 Next morning the stage manager took great pleasure in informing them they had been to a women-only club .
7 A horse 's degree of willingness , cooperation in learning new things , agreeableness in doing what we ask of it , are most important traits in a horse 's temperament if we wish to enjoy riding it ; yet it is an aspect of the horse that is more overlooked than any other when someone is thinking of buying or breeding a horse .
8 Douglas was glad to acknowledge Miller 's help and told the Royal Society that he had received some coconuts ‘ germinated in this country by the industrious Mr. Miller , by whose care and skill they were brought to this perfection ; and besides he very freely communicated to me for the good of the publick his own methods in management in raising them which I here desire may be read in his words . ’
9 On the way home in the taxi ( Nigel was indulging them for once — he could n't let Gina use her bike under the circumstances ) he took delight in telling her she had a spot on her backside .
10 I love colour and find great delight in translating what I actually see into different colours .
11 Both are available in a variety of colours , so that is no help in deciding which you have .
12 Try not to use blame in saying what you need .
13 Any claim to direct acquaintance with God through immediate religious experience has to explain what the experience is experience of Ayer makes this point in discussing what he calls ‘ mysticism ’ .
14 They had exchanged blood ; there seemed little point in saying what she planned .
15 She said , between sobs that seemed to tear her chest open , something that sounded like , ‘ All my fault He knew it could n't be that because it did n't make sense but there was no point in asking her what she had said because she was crying too hard She cried and cried and Nick sat and watched .
16 There was no point in asking what it was .
17 At her memorial service , co-workers and students both young and mature thanked Jo for her generosity in giving them her time until she died .
18 Fright in asking what Somebody erm , sell all the stuff , sell .
19 At yesterday 's tree planting Mrs Frank thanked the pupils for their commitment to the community in doing something which benefited other people now and in the future .
20 If I do an autumn marathon this year , and I probably will , money will be a definite factor in deciding which one .
21 Despite her pique about his refusal to discuss the will , she took a certain pride in showing him her brother 's room .
22 The hearer is being trusted to take a large share of the responsibility in imagining what it may be for the speaker to be past his youth , and the result is a wide range of weak implicatures .
23 When a government was poor , as for example that of Stuart England almost always was , its representatives abroad often had great difficulty in getting what it owed them .
24 I accept almost entirely the statement of faith except for one phrase accepting that God is love I have difficulty in reconciling he who created the universe , who is love , with the tempest , the earthquake the great white shark and the crocodile .
25 Charlie Williams took his number 14 bus to Shaftesbury Avenue , looked at Ken 's name in lights and had he heard anyone say anything against ‘ the boy ’ would have had no difficulty in punching him one .
26 Yet there is great difficulty in defining what we mean by the public benefit .
27 ‘ Because , although you 'd said you understood , I decided I 'd better explain , but then had great difficulty in assembling anything which sounded … feasible .
28 It would be perfectly reasonable to think of pitch as ranging instead from ‘ light ’ to ‘ heavy ’ , for example , or from ‘ left ’ to ‘ right ’ , and people who have difficulty in ‘ hearing ’ intonation patterns are generally only having difficulty in relating what they hear ( which is the same as what everyone else hears ) to this ‘ pseudo-spatial ’ representation .
29 Those issues included an allegation that the defendant acted improperly in Parliament in saying what he did in Parliament .
30 Well aware that before their present position both she and the Emperor would have been officially designated by the sclerotic European courts as ‘ other persons who might be invited ’ , Eugénie had no hesitation in squashing what she considered to be behaviour unsuitable for the Court of Napoleon III , where ‘ other persons ’ were to be received with dignity and no hint of condescension .
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