Example sentences of "[noun sg] and if he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If he asked him to pass the screwdriver he passed the hammer and if he asked for the hammer , he passed the nearest broomhandle , which was usually in another room altogether .
2 Sheringham destroyed Leeds last year in our 4–0 defeat and if he plays , I would regard a 2–2 draw as improvement enough to celebrate .
3 It is placed in your child 's seat and if he moves off it , the pressure-sensitive cushion sounds the alarm .
4 your granddad and if he says he 's going .
5 No I wo n't Niki because he 's in the car and if he wakes up and he 's going to be so unhappy .
6 ‘ He 's a nasty piece of work and if he comes back you treat him just the same as this afternoon .
7 The coach did not in fact crash and if he had remained on it he would have suffered no harm .
8 I am most suspicious of Chris Lewis , who is still a dreadfully inconsistent performer and if he fails at Lord 's , I would bring in another all-rounder .
9 He had his mandate , he was truly his own boss and if he wanted to sleep , he would .
10 Unless the contract is frustrated , the seller will still have to carry out the contract and if he delivers goods which do not comply with it , he will be in breach of contract .
11 During the interview , MacKie was asked to explain why nearly two million Shanks & McEwan shares had been sold with ‘ indecent haste ’ , after a meeting with the company 's chairman and if he had been told that Shanks & McEwan were going to issue a profits warning to the stock market .
12 If he , if he could n't do anything then he would accept it and not do it and then try a bit and if he had to go back to bed .
13 We got it there or thereabouts for sales executives right ? the area development exec job but we did n't get it right we were two grand adrift quite clearly demonstrable evidence that we were two grand adrift on that pay and I 've asked now to agree to upping the pay level and if he does we might get some decent people and then we worry about the ramifications of that afterwards , yeah ?
14 I hope he scores a try and if he keeps his place for the Five Nations at my expense , good luck to him . ’
15 ‘ Obviously if we can get his support and if he comes up trumps , it will be marvellous , ’ she said .
16 Dick is a trespasser , as the occupier was unaware of his presence and if he had known of his presence , would have objected to it .
17 He loved the Spitfire and if he had to die , that was the way he would have wanted it .
18 Owen was , he was aware , a hired man and not a member of the charmed social circle and if he wanted to get things done he had to do it indirectly by tweaking the inner social system .
19 If an insolvency practitioner is appointed as interim receiver , he must give security and if he fails to do so and keep it up , then he can be discharged as interim receiver ( rr 6.54 and 6.55 ) .
20 I pick up the scissors because I 'm alone in the shop and if he touches me again he 'll leave without something he came in with , when the bell goes on the door and this other boy in a city suit comes in , boring yuppie sort .
21 He says that if he 's going to overshoot he 'll use a sea anchor or drop a stern anchor and if he stops short of us he 'll send a crew with a rope .
22 Ben he spotted me on these occasions he invariably called out some mocking remark and if he happened to be with some of his cronies they all joined in the laughter at my expense .
23 ‘ Sounds fine , but , well , even if Montgomery manages to raise this bomber , if he manages to cut a hole in the fuselage without blowing us all to kingdom come , if he manages to extract the atom bomb and if he manages to secure it to the Angelina 's cradle , what happens if the thing detonates before he reaches the Kásos Strait ? ’
24 The Jamaican-born winger is six weeks ahead of schedule and if he comes through this test against a Tranmere side , he will be on target for an appearance in the Premier League match at QPR on November 23 .
25 Otherwise , Kovacevich was well wide of the mark and if he respects this work he might contemplate putting it away for a few years before reconsidering its interpretation .
26 He could row one way one minute and if he found you agreeing with him , he would take the opposite argument on principle . ’
27 ‘ I think it would have been brilliant if they 'd given him more of a chance and if he 'd given a bit more .
28 It has been essential to use light tackle and if he tries a hook any bigger than a size 22 , the fish wo n't even look at the bait .
29 A plaintiff has only four calendar months ( six if leave to serve out of the jurisdiction is required under RSC Ord 11 ) , in which to serve the writ and if he does not serve it within that period the fact that the last day is a Sunday , when it can not be served , does not come to his aid .
30 He or she will glance ostentatiously at his watch , as if to indicate that an expected arrival is late for an appointment and if he happens to meet the glance of a passer-by , he will more often than not look once again at his watch and cast a long-suffering glance at heaven ; as if by recruiting sympathy for a familiar predicament he will pre-empt any suspicion of more suspect motives .
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