Example sentences of "[noun sg] and we can not " in BNC.

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1 We are aware of the enormous scope of some of the questions raised in this issue and we can not claim to address them all adequately .
2 ‘ We have been punished for schoolboy errors in defence and we can not afford similar slips against Hartlepool .
3 ‘ It 's a lot of money and we can not simply say we are not interested , ’ he added .
4 We need to analyse the components of the business and we can not any longer assume that they will all naturally stick together . ’
5 When the other person is an unknown commodity and we can not predict how they will react , the greater is our requirement for the armour of indirectness .
6 This is an attempt to bring a greater level of uniformity than we have achieved so far , but we are bound by agreements made at the time of amalgamation and we can not undermine or contradict those particular decisions , and that 's why in a few cases , particularly in relation to the size of conference , there is some slight imbalance .
7 ‘ Saville looked a good asset and we can not replace him .
8 It is , as Lord Renton pointed out in an address to this Society in 1990 , too much to ask that legislation should always be expressed simply ; for the complexities of modern life do not always admit of simplicity and we can not afford , in providing a code of conduct , to sacrifice certainty to simplicity .
9 The members are the lifeblood of this union and we can not afford to lose any more .
10 It was put here for us by the Great Spirit and we can not sell it because it does not belong to us .
11 ‘ We are in business to make a profit and we can not do that with so few passengers . ’
12 I would say to you that you must have a defibrillator available should your patient reperfuse on the way to hospital and develop ventricular fibrillation , because having salvaged the myocardium , it is a shame to lose the patient and we can not yet tell which patient will develop ventricular fibrillation and which will not .
13 Mink are a growing problem and we can not quite anticipate the effect they will have on the rabbit population .
14 If we do not actually receive the money within this period , our computer will automatically cancel your reservation and we can not be held responsible if that holiday is subsequently not available .
15 We have followed the trail of these people only to find that they have moved house and we can not trace them .
16 We have followed the trail of these people only to find that they have moved house and we can not trace them .
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