Example sentences of "[noun sg] and it be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For several years that basic idea of using a flight simulator kept coming up in my mind and it was in 1974 , after I had attended the meeting of the Accident Investigation Division of ICAO in Montreal , that I was discussing this same problem with Bernard Caiger of the Canadian National Research Council .
2 and like , we were just flicking through Ceefax on the telly and it was like one of these luxury six berth ones and it was ninety nine quid for a week and , and
3 But they had made her feel restless with their talk and it was in that mood that she 'd let the landlord get close to her by the open landing window as he was bringing up some more beer .
4 A woman 's number was at the bottom of the Time Out piece and it was with some feelings of fear that I decided to ring it , not knowing who or what I would find .
5 Oh we left and oh we were all excited about going on what a great big boat and it was in fact only a small water boat .
6 Members heard Beamish tell the audience that Germany was a great country today because Hitler had named the enemy and it was to be hoped that he would soon call an international conference on the question .
7 crime and it was with her husband .
8 There was like a prawl in the flywheel , and you pulled a lever like that and it , there was n't a connection on to the , like on to the crankshaft with a starting handle , this thing was on the flywheel and it was like a lever
9 Carefully open up the diskette three point five inches for the best effect and it 's like my Amiga one remove the top covering from the inside , scrape a lot of match powder into a bowl match powder .
10 It 's the most irritable type of scalp condition and it 's on the increase .
11 In order to prevent a drain of young English cricketers to South Africa during the winter , the TCCB has to provide a suitably well-rewarded alternative and it is in this area that Subba Row 's successor will need to shine .
12 Swings often start by touching down with drift in a cross wind and it is worth remembering that , from the point of view of avoiding a bad swing into wind , it is better to overdo the drift correction .
13 Miller was unstinting in the service of the Bristol Institution and it was as a result of his efforts that the museum — a precursor of the later City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery — became firmly established .
14 It seemed as bright as day out on the newly-laid forecourt and it was as if she 'd been caught by the lights , trapped and dazed like a rabbit on a long country road .
15 It is this idea of social solidarity that provided Leon Duguit with the basis of his theory of law and it is to his work that we now turn .
16 ( 2 ) That a requirement that the plaintiffs should give an undertaking had no justification in Community law since any obligation to make good any damage suffered by the defendants in the event of section 47 being found to be in breach of article 30 of the Treaty would fall upon the United Kingdom Government ; that accordingly , the question was to be decided on the ordinary principles of English law and it was within the judge 's discretion not to require an undertaking in damages ; and that in the circumstances , the grant of an interlocutory injunction was fully justified and should be restored ( post , pp. 173D–F , 189A–H , 190A–C , D , D–E ) .
17 th th there 's , basically there 's an ord it has an ordinary editor which is sub right , it 's an ASCII editor that appears in a window and it 's for using , for editing the ASCII files .
18 The majority of applicants qualify for sickness and disability benefit and it is to be expected that the proportion of manual workers receiving such benefits is higher than their corresponding proportion in the general population .
19 The present provisions were introduced by Part IV of the Companies Act 1989 which inserted a new Part XII into the 1985 Act and it is to the 1989 interpolations that reference will be made throughout this chapter .
20 It was 1975 and I was being charged under the Obscene Publications Act and it was like the Oz trial , so I was interviewed .
21 As you can see , sir , this lady is quite a redoubtable lady and it was with great difficulty that we persuaded her to await the outcome of this enquiry before insisting on seeing you personally , sir . ’
22 Where Richard was during these years of military and diplomatic manoeuvring we do not know , but it is a reasonable guess that he was with his mother , since Aquitaine was her duchy and it was by her wish that it was to be made over to him .
23 Her hair was hanging almost to her small waist and it was of a colour she had never seen before , not around these quarters anyway .
24 The most interesting relationship in the data is the relatively high correlation between risk ratings and subsequent recall and it is worth investigating this in more detail .
25 It is difficult to exaggerate the strength of Protestant feeling about this issue and it is worth quoting Allister 's statement of the views expressed by many of the people I interviewed :
26 ‘ It 's in their interests to address the issue and it 's for them to decide whether change is cost effective , but it 's in our interests too . ’
27 He then sends an inspector to our museum and it is upon this inspector 's report that it is decided whether we are successful in our application .
28 This is a decision by the Natural Environment Research Council and it is for the best scientific reasons .
29 In these days when party politics have entered so fully into local government , nominations to committees frequently come from the political groups of the council and it is at the group meetings of the council that a new member should stake his claim for membership of particular committees of his choice .
30 Years later , I was doing a scene where I had to murder my husband — it was a very dramatic scene and it was in the pit at the Royal Shakespeare Company , so it was just this tiny little theatre , with everybody sitting very close to you , and you can see everybody , and you can hear everything .
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