Example sentences of "[noun sg] and give [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 We 've got to go there tomorrow , so ’ — he took his hand from the wheel and gave her a quick pat — ‘ put your neb under your wing until after the holidays and see what transpires then . ’
2 teachers see it as natural justice ( comparison with colleagues reduces isolation and gives them a yardstick ) ;
3 The computer asks you a question via a sound card and gives you a choice of options on screen , and you respond by pressing the relevant button .
4 So he decided to add another fifteen knots to the approach speed and give it a go .
5 And we 're very grateful , you 've brought rural interest , you 've brought much wider interest , and you 've brought a great deal of warmth and compassion and interest and time , what more could we say , but to show a token of our appreciation and give you a few flowers to go with that .
6 Mrs Young , who had paused in her search , finally found her purse and gave me a dollar .
7 They take hold of the club and give it a few waggles .
8 She had been a regular person once , but that had been before the voices started up in her head , before the dead woman got out of her rocking chair , before the preacherman reached into her mind and gave it a sharp twist …
9 His purchase of the Kemsley newspaper chain was a step in the overall process of press concentration and gave him a Fleet Street prize , The Sunday Times .
10 They spoke good Spanish : if they promised to interpret for me , I said , I 'd rent a car and give them a ride .
11 If you do not know what a tree or shrub is , exercise clemency and give it a year 's grace to demonstrate its worth before you turn it over to the axeman .
12 The British Museum agreed to get him a permit and to give him a grant , in return for any antiquities he might discover .
13 A 12-strong party of homeless men , who currently reside at the Fleetwood Hostel in Lancashire , were offered the chance to visit Sellafield to stimulate their interest in industry and give them a day out to remember .
14 Our range is unique in the contract industry and gives us a sales aid second to none .
15 Suppose your neighbour 's tree grows into your garden , obscuring your light and giving you a harmful consumption externality .
16 We will concentrate on styling and giving them a different driving feel .
17 Now in the House of Lords , she has written her biography and given it a title which could well sum up her life , Fighting All The Way .
18 Alan Smithson , promotions manager at The Mall , said : ‘ We hope to encourage new talent and give them a chance .
19 having seen Frank playing in our Norwegian ‘ premiership ’ — i can only say : this guy has talent and give him a couple of more years on his neck he will become a real threat to any defence .
20 ‘ Of course , that 's it , chérie , ’ said Lapointe , putting an arm round the fräulein and giving her a squeeze .
21 I do not remember much about my father — just odd memories , like when he would lift me up on his horse and give me a ride .
22 Just as we were about to leave , Frank Dick called me to one side and gave me a blistering reprimand .
23 She cocked her head on one side and gave me a long scrutiny , almost as though she had never seen me before .
24 then mum said are n't you gon na say hello to mummy and give her a kiss , so she went ugh , and every time we asked her anything she kept going what have you lost ?
25 As their eyes met , Yanto sensed a spart of recognition and gave her a broad smile to help her recollect .
26 All I considered necessary was to simplify the design of the icon and give it a different colour scheme .
27 She pressed her nose to the window and gave him a wave .
28 Its proximity to Austria , just a few miles away , and to Lindau , the old German city on the opposite shore reached in a short journey by direct lake steamer , has cast its influence and given it a faintly cosmopolitan atmosphere .
29 On Friday at school he passed Nutty in the corridor and gave her a fierce stare to remind her about their appointment and she said , ‘ I have n't forgotten , ’ in an aggrieved voice .
30 Janet … came running in , flung her arms round Cookie and gave her a smacking kiss .
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