Example sentences of "[noun sg] and one [prep] them " in BNC.

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1 And they go on holiday and they 're not supposed to , you know , they neither of them of told their boyfriend they go in this club and one of them , the married one , starts dancing with this man and like he , he thinks cos she 's dancing with him she likes him but she 's just having fun .
2 Those three women knew each other and knew two victims of violence and one of them , his own Mrs Brocklebank , knew all five .
3 Mostly she quizzed me about the burglars and I said they 'd tried to get in through the bathroom window and one of them had put a foot through it , probably coming from the roof next door , and I generally made out that there was a whole gang of footpads up there lying in wait for Santa Claus .
4 Seventeen Stormont MPs were taken on a tour of inspection by the University for Derry Action Committee and one of them , Dr Robert Nixon , the Stormont Unionist MP for North Down , declared that they had been misled by the Lockwood Report and that there was no shortage of suitable land or amenities in the city .
5 If a dispute arises between the parties to a contract and one of them seeks to rely on its standard terms , the first question the other party 's legal advisers will ask is " Do the terms apply ? " or , to put it another way , " Were the terms incorporated into the contract ? "
6 Er again after you do that very same thing erm you know jingle your change and one of them he said that I reckon you got three pound eighty .
7 And all of a sudden three big juggernauts came into the camp and one of them was on the back of a truck .
8 Two people can read the same magazine article and one of them will get far more information out of it than the other .
9 Oh aye yeah we 've got a toaster and one of them Bra er Breville toaster things and
10 That 's happened , I could n't get any one year I took the triplets to the erm Goose Hill coffee morning in the Town Hall and I gave them all money for the tombola and one of them won a Creme Egg
11 Two of these patients who were refractory to H 2 antagonist treatment required treatment with omeprazole and one of them ( No 7 ) eventually needed a highly selective vagotomy .
12 clamp from the middle , and erm , I used to carry like down the thing and I just got really out of control , went all over the place , like skis up in the air and one of them came off and the thing , actually , ripped off er , bottom of my boot .
13 Would n't you agree that in normal day to day language if we see a line of cars going down a road and one of them happens to be a Rolls Royce we would say , that 's the quality car ?
14 They were glad to see me and they shook me by the hand and one of them said :
15 Many of them face major cuts to balance at the end of the year and one of them has dangerously low nursing levels .
16 These have made very nice baby coats in white and one of them has actually sold !
17 The print is excellent value at £38 including p&p but the 100 purchasers will then be put into a hat and one of them will win the original oil painting !
18 For example , if there are several quite unrelated species of unpalatable butterflies living in one particular region and one of them has evolved a warning pattern of black , yellow and red markings , it will pay the others to follow suit because they will then all share the ‘ training risks ’ associated with novice predators .
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