Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb pp] for a " in BNC.

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1 Only a week later I was noticed by a scout and engaged for a pantomime in Manchester , to play the Princess in Jack and the Beanstalk .
2 Both rejected positivistic literary scholarship and called for a renewed attention to literature as literature ; both insisted on the differences between literature and other kinds of writing , and tried to define these differences in theoretical terms ; both gave a central role in their definitions to ideas of structure and interrelatedness , and treated the literary text as an object essentially independent of its author and its historical context .
3 CHURCHMEN and intellectuals in East Germany , worried about the new , aggressive tone that has crept into the emotional issue of reunification , yesterday warned against confrontation and called for a temporary end to mass street demonstrations .
4 But Laura herself quietly went in the next day , spent hours cleaning up the mess and advertised for a new manageress .
5 A locum consultant failed to spot the result of her earlier test and arranged for a totally unnecessary exploratory operation .
6 Entertainment was in the capable hands of instrument mechanic Dennis Brown , who acted as compere and arranged for a guest appearance by Blackpool duo Rendezvous .
7 Then Bunny , battling his way against the flow of the children , appeared in the hall and halted for a moment , the belt of his mackintosh undone , looking up at the windows of the rehearsal room .
8 Overtaking needs a bit more planning , but for those who have long since given up the chase and opted for a more dignified life , this is a lot of car for the money plus a BMW badge to ride behind .
9 China has regretted North Korea 's defiance and called for a nuclear-free Korean peninsula .
10 The Hindu rightwing Bharatiya Janata party yesterday condemned the massacre and called for a strike in Patiala today in protest against what a party spokesman in New Delhi described as ‘ criminal neglect by the administration to protect innocent people ’ .
11 The judge indicated that he believed that police of all ranks had been involved in a cover-up of the initial investigation of the massacre and called for a public inquiry .
12 The permanent committee of Zaïre 's bishops had on March 2 criticized the " blocking " of democratisation and called for a national conference .
13 When he least needed a vote of no confidence , Leighton was sensationally dropped from Manchester United 's 1990 Cup Final replay team and punished for a slump in form during a suspect season in front of a United defence that bordered on the arthritic .
14 If the kite turns either way left or right , then increase the pull on the opposite side , right for turning to the right and left for a left turn .
15 If it was not , then the Committee should have made this plain and opted for a different verbal formula .
16 His early education came chiefly from his father , but in 1856 he enrolled at the Royal College of Chemistry and studied for a year under A. W. von Hoffmann , before becoming assistant chemist to J. T. Way at the Royal Agricultural Society .
17 After he had gone , I packed my own cases , checked the drawers and cupboards of our room and called for a porter .
18 Drawing the wallet from his pocket , he separated the one of Breakspear from the rest and studied for a moment the view of the college it presented .
19 There was a small band away from the tables , and the singer had started as he had begun his meat and called for a second bottle .
20 We decided to halt the nonsense and stopped for a sandwich on a picturesque rocky outcrop that provided views east and west along the glen , and over to spectacular Knoydart .
21 He marched the twins in the direction of the nearest station and prepared for a long , boring wait .
22 I should have resisted your blandishments last night and opted for a quiet Friday evening at home . ’
23 When they heard the news they issued statements : Nkrumah demanded the recall of the Governor and called for a Constituent Assembly .
24 They announced plans for its complete redevelopment and applied for a certificate of immunity of listing .
25 The Confederation of British Industry ( CBI ) has added its weight to the lobby for an environmentally friendly national transport policy and called for a series of measures to curb carbon dioxide emissions .
26 Opposition groups in exile had rejected the terms of the Constitution and called for a boycott .
27 The 1990/91 budget proposed by the Labour government on July 24 , 1990 , stressed social spending and provided for a new benefit targeted on low-income families , for a new universal benefit to include unemployment , and for higher spending on education and health .
28 Kee told her about his life and talked for a long time about the old Haiti and the people he remembered .
29 Waking very cold and aching , Perdita saw little red flames flickering across the great blue arch of sky and thought for a terrified second that she was in the middle of a forest fire .
30 Gorbad halted the attack and prepared for a long siege .
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