Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One reason might be that it is a case of ‘ out of sight , out of mind ’ , because despite the fact that the chestnut-shaped prostate gland plays a vital secretory role in ejaculation , it is a very hidden organ , surrounding the upper part of the urethra and tucked away under the bladder and behind the rectum .
2 A hole should be drilled through the outside of the plastic wheel and into the metal casting , then cut a length of wire is to the correct length and glue it into place .
3 An alderman of Leeds in 1858–68 , he was mayor in 1860–1 , as well as being a magistrate for Leeds borough and for the West Riding of Yorkshire .
4 In fact , a number were attracted to the religion and to the ministry by the political conflict .
5 Much of their education was devoted to religion and to the catechism .
6 It should by now be clear that there is a great deal of difference between the way words are pronounced in isolation and in the context of connected speech .
7 While in isolation and in the hands of enthusiasts , each subject had merit ( although there was great concern about premature labelling ) , in total it was unmanageable .
8 As events unfolded and the Library Association failed to act it is to be viewed as a piece of misfortune for the Code , and hence the Association and for the profession .
9 Through the distinctions he makes between civil association and enterprise association and between the state conceived of as societas and universitas we can begin to understand the intellectual foundations of the tension within normativist thought between law and administrative power .
10 In the course of two previous research trips to Tokyo , Dr Davies has been able to examine many official archives at the Shipping Bureau of the Ministry of Transport , at the Japan Maritime Development Association and at the Japan Maritime Research Institute .
11 As the House is aware , these proposals are opposed by the entire police service of this country by the Police Federation , by the Police Superintendents Association and by the Association of Chief Police Officers .
12 The care which Bailey lavished on his " treasures " within the National Trust was at least equalled by his work as activist and propagandist for the " eternal values " of poetry through the Association and in the pages of the Newbolt Report where his contribution to the section on the universities was particularly notable .
13 They want to know how school examination results compare , about the level of truancy and about the staying-on rate after 16 .
14 So we started by asking our friends , who in turn asked others , until we were eventually inundated with testimonies from witnesses around the world who provided popular proof that there is something about the cinema that encourages , right there in the picture house , thoughts , feelings and behaviour in its patrons by turns enigmatic , terrifying , erotic , sad , hilarious and poetic , often triggered by uncanny interplay between screen image and real-time events in the auditorium and in the world beyond the muffled doors .
15 The system also provides the facility to transfer small numbers of entries chosen from any part of the dictionary to the typesetting contractor and to the Working-Set .
16 The essence of what the popes required of the emperors and how they saw the imperial office is enshrined in the imperial oaths taken at the time of coronation and in the prayer at the conferment of the sword .
17 One trader happened to have a case of brylcream in stock and over the course of several months he saw the retail price of his 144 jars increase : it doubled , trebled , eventually quintupled .
18 There will be a time provision for the sell-off of current stock and for the headstock modification of certain G&L instruments . ’
19 The system , which is also used for the borrowing and lending of stock and for the pledging of stock as collateral for short-term loans , has proved popular and , by late-1991 , some 70% of all outstanding gilt-edged stock was held in accounts with the CGO .
20 Bernard 's mother sent a Christmas card and in the name of Catholic family unity Ellen invited her to stay .
21 The Home Secretary is in my opinion entitled and bound to reach his own tariff decision , after having regard both to the judges ' tariff and to the factors such as public confidence in the administration of justice which Lord Scarman mentioned .
22 But it should be made clear that educational excellence is to be found in the comprehensive schools of the State system , and indeed that these schools should take the lead both in educational experiment and in the democratizing of education as a whole .
23 At the time when he became a professor , his reputation probably depended largely on his studies of the capillary circulation and of the blood cells concerned with defence against bacterial invasion .
24 It differs sharply from any of the published movements by this composer , however , in its brevity and in the sketchiness of the left-hand part , in which chords are indicated by figures rather than being written out .
25 so therefore then your doors were connected by hinges to the keel and from the keel to the cones , that 's where your door was , so that 'd swing on the keel and then your chains were fixed to the other end of the door and you hauled that up on your cones .
26 Their work bears witness both to the power of partnership and to the powers of expression which we feel able to attribute to groups , to some circle of friends or literary ‘ school ’ — in this case , the group which was at one time drunkenly designated the scholarship boys , angry young men or hypergamists of the Fifties .
27 In the formation of the partnership and in the baby 's increasing awareness of difference , the mother imparts more than nourishment and cleanliness ; she lays the foundation of a future ability to trust and hope , to enjoy with another and to be grateful to another for that enjoyment .
28 I agree with it in its entirety and would , in the ordinary way , be content to do no more than express my concurrence both in the reasoning and in the result .
29 One contestant was knocked out of the ring and into the orchestra pit , landing in the mouth of the big bass horn and unable to extricate himself before the count of 10 .
30 87 per cent of grooms now choose to wear a wedding ring and with the Beaverbrooks extensive collection of men 's rings including rings to match the bride 's he 'll be spoilt for choice .
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