Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [noun sg] i have " in BNC.

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1 I cried over that old letter , that fragment of academe , because it said in part what I had wanted , then wanted and still want to say to you and only to you , and because it expressed in part some of the physical ache and fear and disappointment I had felt , then felt and still ( in an increased measure ) feel .
2 The inhabitants of Vengsøya — or , at least , those near the ferry quay — watch us struggle on-shore with the kayaks with that curious air of pity , fear and interest I have seen before .
3 In almost every chapter and section I have found it convenient to say things about crime writing in general and sometimes the art of fiction in particular .
4 It turned out a cracking match , one of the best for combined action and atmosphere I 've seen this season .
5 Losing them was bitter , and my only reward is that now I can afford the one thing which with all my wealth and power I 've never been able to permit myself until this moment .
6 During the shelling and mortaring I had heard nothing from Sid 's trench .
7 ‘ It is hard to find words to express the aching loneliness and rejection I have found them experiencing as they approach the end of their lives . ’
8 I swear by all I hold dear the Koran , my wife , child and mother I had nothing to do with this . ’
9 ‘ Marcus is the best young athlete and talent I have seen for a long time , ’ said Allison .
10 In the bathroom , I remove the sanitary napkin and belt I have been dressed with , while still unconscious , after the operation .
11 My Early Intermediates had unwittingly pointed out the parallels between Karen 's refusal to ‘ go behind Dennis 's back ’ and the recorded conversation about money and shopping I had played them .
12 I felt something of the same awe and excitement I had experienced four years before when tramping round and round Warwick Gardens with Chesterton , debating the execution of Charles I. Here was someone who ought to have been a member of the Society that G. K. C. had dominated at St. Paul 's from 1891 to 1893 .
13 In this long , cold day and night I have managed by a great , indeed gargantuan , effort to write seventeen thousand five hundred and eighty-one words .
14 I scuttled out of the flat without looking at my friend , leaving husband and wife to each other and feeling I 'd betrayed everyone — Changez , Mum and Dad , and myself .
15 And at what rate and price I have thy love ;
16 The poem and novel I have attributed to them respectively can also , for certain purposes , be attributed to them both .
17 ‘ On the contrary , ’ he smiled thinly , ‘ Petula 's the only one of whose love and fidelity I have no doubts . ’
18 ‘ I 've been lucky in that I 've always had pace , but the regular training and coaching I 've had at Wigan has made me stronger and faster . ’
19 In these circumstances I feel it is perfectly reasonable to ask for the full refund of £29.50 , not to mention compensation for all the vexation and trouble I have been caused .
20 Information and promotion I have spoken to you about and the most important thing probably for the users besides us being able to promote what they 're doing for nothing and that is grants , so we are about to write and er you will be able to hotfoot it back to your clubs if they are already registered .
21 While I do not dismiss the care and treatment I have received during those admissions , I did not have to spend many weeks in the ‘ old bins ’ to become aware of their shortcomings as therapeutic environments .
22 ‘ No , ’ I said , and hated myself for telling the untruth , but I was thinking of my own boat standing propped on the sand of Straker 's Cay , and I thought of all the work I had lavished on Masquerade , and of all the love and care and time I had poured into her , and I tried to imagine her rotting under the tropical sun with her paint peeling , her deck planks opening and her timbers riddled with termites .
23 When I heard about the business of measuring and weighing I realised that all the care and effort I had put into keeping my secret had probably been a complete waste of time .
24 Since downloading the file I 've had severe difficulty tearing myself away from this game , such is the enjoyment and frustration I 've had from it .
25 And I remember somebody saying that my trumpet and the coffee and tea I 'd got as Christmas presents were all stashed in Dod 's van .
26 ‘ You do not know how much pain and unhappiness I have felt , ’ said the monster .
27 His undiluted radicalism was illustrated by his admission that ‘ my command of the English Language is not sufficiently wide to allow me to put into words the intense hatred and detestation I have for England . ’
28 I wanted to give back something for the great interest and happiness I have had from being able to make music to people .
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