Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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31 Moely was swimming after the boat and I shouted to him :
32 The Ferret was never happy when anyone other than himself was examining a scene of crime and it seemed to Dalgliesh that his impatience to get on with the job came through the wall as a palpable force .
33 Debates about what a modern health care system can be expected to provide , how limited resources can be used to best effect and what needs to be done in a broader sense to improve the health of the population are edged to the margins or never addressed .
34 There may be pupils whose eye condition makes it difficult to tolerate bright light and who suffer to some extent from photophobia ( for instance those who are albinos or who have coloboma ) .
35 The room was rippling with the sounds of their scuffle as they fought in bitter silence , knocking into wooden furniture , she trying to get away , he trying to get her to the bed until they fell against a nightstand and it crashed to the floor .
36 She said in a statement that there was a lot of blood and she went to a neighbour for help .
37 He cared about her pleasure and she responded to him more strongly than she had with anyone .
38 It is this point which was recognised in the Government 's review and which led to the intention to phase out drift-netting .
39 So , if we are grooming a horse and it tries to cow-kick us , we retaliate with a sharp verbal reproach or a smack with the flat of the hand , and usually the horse decides to accept that we are the boss and minds its manners in the future .
40 When two strangers are standing shivering at a bus-stop in an icy wind and one turns to the other and says ‘ My goodness , it 's cold ’ , it is difficult to suppose that the primary intention of the speaker is to convey information .
41 ‘ I felt I did everything right , like the simple things of making the right contact , but I was striking it into the wind and it seemed to tail off at the last minute . ’
42 Flynn said : ‘ Lincoln are a physically big side and they play to their strengths .
43 There has to be good coal pillar support on either side and there has to be a competent roof .
44 A stitch seared her side and she came to a stumbling halt , pressing her palms to the painful place , waiting until the sharp sting had eased a little .
45 George 's face registered total disbelief and he turned to the telephone .
46 Sheldon himself never lied to his friends about the mummy and we have to be grateful to Faujas Saint-Fond for the following account written shortly after a visit he had made on Sheldon : ‘ It is [ said Sheldon ] a mistress whom I tenderly loved .
47 The sleeve of ‘ Elevation ’ contains a map of Scotland , which is nice ; the actual music is busy dancefloor chaos with some weird operatic humming and what appears to be an entire hockey team shouting ‘ Yo ! ’ at various points .
48 Marcus patted his lap and I went to him for a stroke .
49 Seems the Separation put a Strain on the Fragile Fabric of their Marriage and they started to Not Get On .
50 Alice came and erm , in the night to Con and they go to er America
51 This gives work-in-progress figures that are likely to be higher than other areas of work and which need to be financed by the firm .
52 His wife left him , he became increasingly disinterested in his work and he returned to Cornwall as a tramp .
53 During the war years , the Russian artist had rarely been able to sell his work and he took to following Zborowski round like a shadow , hanging about outside the Rotonde .
54 ‘ But there must be a point … when you 've hosed off all the muck and the glaze and the bits of overpainting and your musks of Araby have done their work and you get to the point when you know that what you see before you is what the chap would have seen before him when he stopped painting all those centuries ago .
55 It was in an old house with a minstrel gallery and everybody seemed to be running up and down corridors in and out of one another 's bedrooms .
56 Guernsey granite rather than Purbeck stone brought him wealth and he retired to Swanage in 1944 leaving his nephew George Burt to look after the firm in London .
57 There are several erudite and comprehensive books available to guide the unwary through the maze that has been constructed over the centuries to form our current property law and which seems to be continually evolving .
58 You 've broken the law and you deserve to be punished . ’
59 right with an extra window , whatever about the money , like Mrs what 's her name , so you 've nearly closed her on the conservatory you do all the paper , your order close form on the conservatory and you say to her , right , cos you 're working your sums out , do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds ?
60 They continue to grow in size and influence and they appear to be still some way from peaking .
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