Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [pron] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 A petition of the 1660s referred to the entire dependence of many local people on the trade , particularly ‘ ye constant imployment of at least 50,000 lusty able workman ready for defence of your Majesty and ye Nacion in case of general needs ’ .
2 Don Juan was in exile and his supporters in Spain did not have the military or political support necessary to effect a successful coup .
3 Torrel James , 28 , a policeman in Port-of-Spain and a former Trinidad & Tobago Youth representative opening bowler , has been jailed for 15 years and received 20 lashes with the birch after being found guilty of the attempted murder of his girlfriend and her father in 1989 .
4 I live with my girlfriend and her mother in Flushing . ’
5 It 's hard enough for him to accept Angy 's shabby treatment of Rick , her lies about the ring and her deceit in letting him think she was carrying another man 's child .
6 There was the width of the table between them , but Sidacai 's speed and his ferocity in attack were legend .
7 These in turn have radio links with the airborne command posts ( converted Boeing 747 airliners ) that house the president and his advisers in wartime .
8 They drew off as best they might to lie in hiding until nightfall and lick their wounds ; and in the dark they crossed the river by the ford at Buttington and went to earth with their defeat and their chagrin in the forest under the ridge of Gungrog Fawr .
9 He inherited the same tradition from his father a founder member of Weymouth Sailing Club and its Commodore in the late nineteen twenties .
10 Either way , the best hope of predicting such events , and mitigating their impact , lies in a better understanding of the southern oscillation and its role in the circulation of the southern hemisphere .
11 The importance of Mind and its power in ordering the physical activity is of paramount significance in all aspects relating to the Life Force , or consciousness .
12 Sir Marcus Fox , the powerful chairman of the Tory backbenchers , suggested that the Premier was in need of a break and his Government in need of a tougher approach .
13 You shall have your silver and your news in return for a safe trip upstream to Talisker 's Rivergate . ’
14 The only horrible memory of the nineteen fifties that even today makes me wince was that teaspoonful of cod liver oil followed by the concentrated orange juice that was spooned on us before leaving for the school in the morning and off you went with your flask of tea and your sandwiches in your school bag .
15 Subjects covered during the AICC course include communication principles and theories , research and its function in ministry development , anthropological insights for communication , effective use of traditional and modern media , and development issues .
16 These case studies were largely chosen on the basis of the extent of community involvement in the research and their interest in further land-related actions .
17 It is displayed ( Winckelmann affirms ) in the Laocoon group , that famous sculpture of the Trojan priest and his sons in the grip of the sea god 's serpents : and this example , certainly surprising , is used over and over again by subsequent theorists .
18 Waller was said to have told the police that his own car and his factory in Fencehouses , Co .
19 Ten minutes of light movement and your body is in gear and your mind in the driving seat .
20 As well as miscalculating Franco 's personal ambitions in 1943 , the exiled Pretender and his supporters in Spain also misjudged the international situation and its implications for Spain .
21 My task was to identify myself as much as possible with the personnel of the College and their activities in order to mitigate their hostility and pro-Axis leanings .
22 Material will be written and piloted by Lauder College and their partners in Germany and Portugal .
23 Supplementing this account of the College shortly after the Coleman regime comes one written late in life by Principal Simonds , describing the College and its environs in 1828–1829 , when he was a student there .
24 It 's ultramodern graphics and high contrast black and white contrast appeal to some younger customers with an artistic bent and its simplicity in use is welcomed by those who like to lead a less complicated life .
25 Apart from these few senior officers , however , policemen shared the loyalties of their population , and had a position which was independent of their membership of the force and their rank in it .
26 The Technological Imperative and its Application in Health Care
27 The Foreign Compensation ( Egypt ) ( Determination and Registration of Claims ) Order 1962 stated in article 4(1) ( b ) ( ii ) that the applicant and his successor in title should be British nationals on October 31 , 1956 and February 28 , 1959 .
28 The apparently magical arrival of migratory birds in the spring and their disappearance in the autumn are just two of the many dramatic events which accompany the climatic variations during the year .
29 In considering this important subject , it would be churlish not to congratulate the Select Committee on Energy on the report that it has produced , which to some extent analyses the current position of the mining industry and its position in the future .
30 With the Gulf war over and interest rates drifting down , he may feel that a further half per cent interest rate cut coinciding with the budget will put the motor industry and its customers in a more confident mood .
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