Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] which [be] " in BNC.

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1 Though a little patchy , there is more than enough to keep fans happy and several killer cuts that show Nirvana already distilling the heady brew of metal , punk and pop which was to lead to Smells Like Teen Spirit — the track critics have called the best rock song ever .
2 The number of peoples in the world who knew of these advantages and nevertheless persisted in rejecting them were few : to do so required a tenacity of purpose , an indifference to wealth and comfort which were not given to many .
3 This region of Oct-11 is rich in the amino acids serine , glutamine and proline which are frequently associated with the activation domains of transcription factors .
4 Gratuities to your driver and escort which are left to your discretion .
5 Care of a personal kind and care which is long term and continuous is almost always provided by kin .
6 The happy relationship between this department of the RAE which is of course part of the Ministry of Defence and AIB which is a branch of the Department of Transport is perhaps one of the less publicised examples of the way in which two government organisations can co-operate in a natural manner as the public would wish .
7 ‘ There must be an end to this double-dealing and deceit which is selling Scotland and its people short . ’
8 Both these main suites show the combination of ease and comfort which was beginning to be considered essential to the perfect home of the Twenties .
9 In this respect , as in others , the 1290s were to be a period of crisis and change which was to make an impact on Anglo-French relations .
10 First because it er offers the Government quite a good reason for dropping the bill altogether , er a er and bowing to parliamentary opinion in doing so that 's not a shameful thing to do , er if it had been able to do that on the other hand it would have the benefit of in=incorporating in its own proposals a measure of continuity and experience which are no there already .
11 In both Classical and Christian thinking mysticism represents a way back to the source of being , but in Christian thinking from the fourth century on , the gulf between Creator and created was seen as mysteriously bridged by the love of God incarnate in Jesus Christ , God 's Word , the expression of himself manifest in time , which , in turn , enables human knowledge and love which are the way back .
12 In general they offer assistance with all types of problem but are often to be found in the areas of urban development and rehousing which are likely to expose housing , welfare benefit and educational problems .
13 They are based on physical needs such as hunger and thirst which are satisfied by primary reinforcement in the form of food and water .
14 if you 'd of gone to them for advice and say which is the better buy , which will was wash better and why , you know , I want I want
15 The very order implies understanding of the process of redemption whereby the Incarnation and Passion transform the lex talionis ( the law of retaliation ) of the Old Testament with the grace and love which are the means of recycling the waste products of sin .
16 It thus includes GET and FIND for reading records on the database ( equivalent to the Cobol READ ) and STORE and INSERT which are equivalent to the WRITE statement .
17 It lies below and beyond the distinctions between subject and object which are inbuilt in ordinary experience at the level of knowledge and action ; so it opens up a direct awareness of the God on whom our existence hangs as given in and with our deepest awareness of ourselves .
18 There is thus no direct semantic interaction between the subject and direct object of a sentence — or , to put it another way , there is no combination of subject and object which is inherently dissonant .
19 Another argument in its support is that many of the developments in systems analysis , such as structured systems analysis , participation and prototyping which are discussed later in this chapter , can be incorporated into the conventional approach .
20 In the aftermath of the Maria Colwell tragedy a report by the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work took this concept as its title and stated that ‘ good enough parenting involves , among other things , a capacity to provide continuity of love and care which is realistic in its expectations of both parent and child and deals with ‘ real ’ conflicts of interests and not those whose origins lie only in the parents ' past' ( CCETSW , 1978 ) .
21 Quorum also found 80% to 85% of its potential audience are interested in running just off-the-shelf Mac packages of Word and Excel which is what Quorum is currently polishing up and will be showing .
22 In recent years sociolinguists have shown a fair amount of interest in models of variation and change which are based on the notion of lexical diffusion ( Chen 1976 ; Wang 1969 ; Labov 1981 ; J. Milroy 1981b ; Trudgill 1986a : 58 ) .
23 The essence of these , you may recall , was the Wilsonian plan to divide Europe into ethnic-linguistic territorial states , a project as dangerous as it was impracticable , except at the cost of forcible mass expulsion , coercion and genocide which was subsequently paid .
24 He has recently been involved in the developments in sow housing and feeding which are of great interest to pig producers .
25 The bubble , that frail bubble which had seemed to float above us , invisible symbol of the understanding and trust which was to have helped us to live together , shuddered and sank ; then bravely rose again into the air , though not now quite as high as before .
26 In particular Kent has put together a very interesting programme of a festival of food and drink which is taking place at Penthurst Place near Tonbridge Wells , the last weekend in June and again here at the Barbican next year after this particular annual public meeting , music aid , who you mentioned earlier , are putting on a concert er for Save The Children Fund and they hope to raise twenty thousand pounds on that night .
27 Supplies relevant to the hotel and catering industry which are zero rated are food and drink which are not :
28 If participation saves resources ( jobs carried out by volunteers , for example , instead of paid workers ) , then this is an important output , along with the public legitimization and support which are likely to accompany client participation .
29 However , disappointment set in when we ventured home to find that the packaging contained a guitar , a separate tremolo and guarantee which was to be mailed to the USA .
30 I THINK Costello makes too many records for his own good , but here , he found a vein of country and swing which was peculiarly well suited to his wordplay and visual imagery .
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