Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Any reference in any enactment or document to a charity within the meaning , purview and interpretation of the Charitable Uses Act 1601 or of the preamble to it , shall be construed as a reference to a charity within the meaning which the word bears as a legal term according to the law of England and Wales . ’
2 Earlier this week , Mr Ibbo Mandaza , a prominent intellectual and head of the government 's Parastatals Commission , said : ‘ The one party state is a thing of the past .
3 The high-ratio diffs that you require , 3.54:1 , were fitted to the Series III V8 ( the complete axle will fit ) or the crown wheel and pinion from the One Ten will fit your axle .
4 I never have more than the permitted amount of duty-free goods ; I 've never imported plants , or dogs , or drugs , or uncooked meat , or firearms ; and yet I constantly find myself wanting to turn the wheel and head for the Red Channel .
5 Like the linker , it sits on the main bed and has a cog wheel and spring at the rear to lock it on to the needlebed .
6 Gas-operated and self-loading from a thirty-round magazine , they could be fired from the shoulder or the hip .
7 This is because of the reactions induced by instillation — ie reflex tearing , blinking and lacrymal drainage , all of which lead to dilution and elimination of the foreign substance .
8 It could lead to the dilution and fragmentation of the strengths and skills of the primary health care team .
9 It is extremely tempting to suppose that this picture and the Centauromachy and Amazonomachy on the other vase are copied from three of the murals in the Theseion .
10 Religion and Law in the Southern State
12 Pretoria and Bloemfontein acquired large , dour , stone structures which somehow reflected the religion and ethos of the Boer republics which they served .
13 These priests were instructed to , if possible , incorporate and then translate pagan religion and culture into the Catholic orthodoxy , rather than destroying completely these alien beliefs .
14 Only this , he believed , could overcome the schism between religion and culture in the West .
15 This research forms part of a wider study of the transformation in Andean religion and cosmology after the Conquest , by the same researchers .
16 Perhaps the most symbolically significant event in the general area of religion and morals in the early 1960s — if not the whole period under discussion — was the publication of John Robinson 's Honest to God in 1963 .
17 Irenius begins his account with an expression of anxiety which reveals a number of linked issues which constantly crop up in Spenser 's writing : the establishment and maintenance of true religion and civilisation within a pattern of human development predetermined by the divine .
18 The isolation and reputation of the island deter recruitment of staff from outside .
19 And in fact , the isolation and weakness of the radical milieu put a premium upon commitment to an unqualified Utopia .
20 I was normally the first RAF person to view the scene , and I find it quite unbearable to attempt to describe the desolation and carnage that confronted one on a hilltop in the isolation and splendour of the Scottish Highlands .
21 Team-teaching , exploration of new methods , collaborative approaches to improved teaching , constructive collegial criticism of classroom performance — none of these things are fostered by the isolation and individualism of the existing culture of teaching .
22 A psychiatrist who specialises in executive stress thought the fencing indicated that the person it protected felt an enormous sense of isolation and betrayal at the hands of people who had failed to be grateful for years of selfless public service .
23 No other state went so far as this ; but then none needed to , for none started from the same position of isolation and estrangement from the outside world .
24 This does not mean separation from sinners , in a sense of isolation and self-satisfaction like the monks of Qumran ; instead , it means involvement with needy , fallen , spoiled humanity , following the example and endued with the Spirit of him who was a friend of tax gatherers and sinners .
25 Lipid biomarker analyses provides in situ measures of sedimentary microbial community structure and nutritional status without the requirement for isolation and growth of the microbiota .
26 We report here the isolation and characterization of a novel complementary DNA ( CL100 ) corresponding to a messenger RNA that is highly inducible by oxidative stress and heat shock in human skin cells .
27 The isolation and characterization of a ura5-6 mutant deficient for OMPppase activity have been described elsewhere ( 20 ) .
28 BamHI digestion , followed by isolation and religation of the plasmid construct removed DNA sequences between the BamHI site of the mcr and the BamHI site in the translational termination region .
29 They are not considered to be non-viable either on the grounds of their isolation and remoteness from the communities they serve , or on the grounds that they are physically falling into a state of dilapidation .
30 But more important is a feeling that the sky burial fits in with the isolation and strangeness of the setting .
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