Example sentences of "[noun sg] of information about the " in BNC.

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1 The surveys carried out by the Royal Botanic Garden , Edinburgh ( 1983,1984 and 1985 ) , contain a great deal of information about the plants in lochs from South Uist to Lewis .
2 Clothes , too , although essentially intended to protect from the elements , provide a great deal of information about the wearer .
3 Although such studies give a great deal of information about the memory for individual arousing slides , they may be unrepresentative of normal situations .
4 Thus it seemed clear that the lexical representation used for matching should already include a great deal of information about the word 's possible phonetic realisations .
5 " What is it made of ? " and " How was it made ? " are far better starting points and can lead on to the extraction of a great deal of information about the people and the society that produced it .
6 If you do not , it will look very bad for you if I have to go to the police with this new piece of information about the letter . ’
7 Each isotopic substitution gives in principle one extra piece of information about the force field , and for several small molecules enough isotopic species have been studied to allow the force field to be specified fully .
8 At a purely practical level , the anarchist and socialist press provided a forum for the dissemination of information about the October revolution , where it was given an enthusiastic reception .
9 To facilitate the dissemination of information about the work of the Enterprise Centre a network of Enterprise Co-ordinators has been established .
10 As reflected in the original rich picture , there were concerns about the routine handover of information about the day-to-day condition of residents , and it was obvious that the process of keeping records for a large number of residents was an arduous manual task , indicating that some gains in efficiency might be possible by the introduction of computer support .
11 In the light of experiments like the two we have just described , Flores d'Arcais and Schreuder ( 1983 ) propose a modification to the clausal hypothesis , which is that , after a clause has been presented , the continued presence of information about the syntactic structure of that clause in working memory will depend on whether such information is needed for further processing .
12 If you can gather this type of information about the areas you frequent , it will be much easier to avoid trouble when it occurs .
13 The person receiving a letter from a company must be given a degree of information about the organisation which they are dealing with .
14 For the Roman period , they provide a wealth of information about the names of festivals and magistracies , as well as the names of the people who held them .
15 Lenin , with his wealth of information about the situation in Russia in 1917 , would tend to interpret that information from one perspective .
16 Research volume 1 of the Widdicombe Report ( 1986 ) provides a wealth of information about the extent and nature of party policies in local government .
17 Editors have naturally concentrated on sources closest to Bach , but there is in the more peripheral ones a wealth of information about the origin and reworking of pieces , as well as performance practice ( notably fingerings and ornaments ) for which musical sources can shed light on specific details in a way more generalized literary documents rarely can ; and on the estimation of Bach 's music by his contemporaries and immediate successors .
18 For example , the analysis indicated that domestic staff should be deployed on the basis of information about the cleaning areas of rooms in the establishment , but deployment was actually based on the experience of the officers , tempered by such considerations as staff availability and custom and practice .
19 Indeed , in some situations , the child may have to exploit this interdependence to infer the reason on the basis of information about the result , while continuing to maintain the reason/result distinction .
20 During the first half of the century efforts were made to extend the same technique to the various kinds of animals as well as plants , so that naturalists had access to a vast body of information about the geographical distribution of living things .
21 The pragmatic nature of this relationship with referred heads is exemplified by the absence of almost any interest in the collation of information about the pupils attending the centre .
22 The quality of information about the 8,500 items already on the V & A list will also be improved .
23 The second is the broader area of information about the education authority 's policies and arrangements and about the individual school itself .
24 Evaluation is concerned with the collection of information about the effects of an educational course or programme .
25 What systematic arrangements , if any , have the authority established for the collection of information about the curricula offered by schools in their area ?
26 Q. What systematic arrangements , if any , have the Authority established for the collection of information about the curriculum offered by schools in their area ?
27 The department is the centre for the collection of information about the activity , the legal practice , and the reputation of members of the bar including those more senior , almost always Queen 's Counsel ( the conferment of which status is in the gift of the Lord Chancellor ) , from whom senior judicial appointments will be made .
28 Social thinkers were now deeply involved with the collection of information about the human population , with censuses and various kinds of statistical studies gaining in popularity as efforts were made to reduce economic and social forces to a semblance of rational order .
29 Remote sensing is the collection of information about the properties of an object without physical contact between the observer and the object being made .
30 Starting next week ARC will be putting posters on buses , mounting an advertising campaign and pushing thousands of leaflets through doors inviting sufferers to take up their offer of information about the conditions .
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