Example sentences of "[noun sg] of the [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Could they be introduced as token , surface changes or do they necessitate a fundamental reorganization of the way the school operates ?
2 For each episode of the video the Activity Book has :
3 yeah but you 'll have one or two people more pro-active because the bulk of the job the three other people who will be there will be order-takers dealing with allocations and this sort of thing and you 'll need somebody to erm
4 After the defeat of the EDC the British approach to Europe during the remainder of the 1950s consisted of three phases : WEU , the so-called ‘ Grand Design ’ , and the European Free Trade Association .
5 Other methods have included timing the swimming fish from the known speed of the ship the fish is passing or circling , and filming the speeding fish and calculating its speed by comparing its position on each frame of the film .
6 In certain circumstances the trust could also be enforced against third parties in possession of the trust property ; while in the event of insolvency of the trustee the trust beneficiary had a claim for the trust property itself , rather than a personal claim for a share in the debts recovered from the trustee .
7 The decline in the total number of farms in the Cantal LFA , though similar proportionally to the decline in Powys , is almost certainly more due to French national policies for improving farm structures ( including remembrement ) than to aspects of the UK 's LFA , there is much less direct official encouragement to improve agricultural structures ; rather it is the result of the way the LFA Directive is implemented , in particular the HLCA payment system .
8 They have their effects only as a result of the way the rest of the embryo develops , which in turn is influenced by the effects of patterns in other parts of the DNA .
9 Many communities had become sharply divided as a result of the way the penal laws had been enforced at the local level , and understandably Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours who until recently had been the agents of their destruction .
10 As a result of the re–organisation the current system of contractual average payments for annual leave is inappropriate .
11 As a result of the election the SPD and Greens ( who were led by the pragmatist Joschka Fischer ) won a two-seat majority and the SPD mayor of Kassel , Hans Eichel , was expected to head a new " red-green " coalition .
12 For the purchaser , it is important to consider whether as a result of the assignment the purchaser will be able to enforce the benefit of the contract directly against the supplier or whether such benefit can only be enforced with the co-operation of the vendor .
13 As a result of the demonstration the Estonian Supreme Soviet announced on May 16 that a Home Guard was being set up to defend government buildings , and the Tallinn city council placed a temporary ban on the organization responsible for calling the demonstration , the United Council of Work Collectives .
14 As a result of the agreement the defendants secured their position commercially .
15 For loans covering more than 85 p.c. of the property the rate rises to 10.7 p.c .
16 We know of your connection with Fedorov , and the murder of the Englishman the other day : everything .
17 For the good of the game the Premier League must succeed .
18 ‘ The first time ’ , Hortensia said , ‘ I poured half a tin of Golden Syrup on to the seat of the chair the Trunchbull was going to sit on at prayers .
19 Then spring again , and with the greening of the land the creature gave birth to birds before waiting in the deepest thicket for the call of the Men who were hunting and gathering from the forest .
20 Seymour-Ure 's detailed study of the part the mass media have played in British politics contains a considered summary , and clarification , of the concepts of ‘ effect ’ and ‘ impact ’ .
21 But the author , assuming in the guise of the Doctor the role of moderator , reminds his interlocutors of the existence of an additional element , a large class of landless peasants who were almost entirely dependent on wages for their livelihood .
22 After the relative peacefulness of the boat the market 's noise , colour , and tantalising mixture of smells had made her senses reel .
23 About half way along its length , he located the barred skylight window he had noted as a possible means of entry , during his recce of the house the day of the interview with Jim Miller .
24 From is opening to the outbreak of the war the " Ring " staged every German Grand Prix .
25 By the outbreak of the war the State had reorganised the railways into four companies where there had been 130 before ; nationally owned corporations had been created in broadcasting and air passenger transport ; a national grid for electricity supply had been created and a national supply industry organised ; agriculture had been rescued from the doldrums by regulation of its prices and quota systems ; while encouragement had been given to sometimes savage reductions of capacity in shipbuilding , textiles and mining .
26 They have become part of a stinging indictment of the way the South African police , blase about murder in a brutal society , have been handling this investigation .
27 In the dark of the year the little penguin gazed at the wild lights of Aurora 's Dancers whirling above her .
28 Unable to summon the courage to enter the cold dark of the river the man , a lawyer by profession , finds himself at odd moments thereafter , and even in the courtroom , increasingly assailed by a laugh at the back of his mind , a laugh that mocks his whole posture in the world , a laugh that progressively exposes in him what he chooses to see as a guilty pretence .
29 The number of responses is in itself a clear indication of the interest the Green Paper has aroused and the importance of the issues it has raised .
30 North-east of the village the River Cary becomes the King 's Sedgemoor Drain , chief of the artificial ‘ rhines ’ or watercourses cut to drain the Somerset Levels , which lie below sea level .
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