Example sentences of "[noun sg] of women [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 That is the stark injustice of the total humiliation of women on all levels , by men .
2 Rather than examining the visibility of women in all the various types of sociological analyses of power , I am going instead simply to draw attention to an area in which the undoubted social power of women has not been considered at all .
3 But the majority of women in all walks of life looked to make their career as housewives .
4 As early as May 1910 , the local WFL organiser , Madge Turner , commented more in sorrow than in anger on the dispute , admitting that " the saddest part of it all is that the majority of women in all the departments are supporting the men .
5 Some companies are making strenuous efforts to increase the proportion of women at all levels of employment .
6 The education of women at all levels of society was plainly inadequate .
7 To encourage a solidarity of women across all ages is moreover profoundly separatist .
8 In their first underground leaflet , the Women 's Higher Council stated the following : ’ To our great masses of women , to the steadfast mothers , sisters , to our women heroines behind the iron bars of the zionist jails and in the revolutionary camps — to women workers , peasants , students — You had a central , important and distinguished role in the great Intifada — had part in its continuity , escalation and in sparking its flame ; this role has expressed itself in the wide participation of women in all fields of daily confrontation and resistance since the Uprisings first day .
9 Such programmes should be directed at lifestyle rather than disease detection , and targeted at improving the health of women of all ages .
10 The nature-versus-culture model of analysis was first developed within anthropology to help account for the universal subordination or secondary status of women in all societies at all times .
11 This was particularly the case before World War I , but marriage remained the normative expectation of women of all classes to the end of the period .
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