Example sentences of "[noun sg] of women [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 However , to demand better working conditions in the home is in a sense contradictory in that this reinforces the social and spatial oppression of women within their domestic roles .
2 A few days ago , when it had been snowing , I saw a group of Savoy cabbages standing frozen and benumbed , and it reminded me of a group of women in their thin petticoats and old shawls which I had seen standing in a little hot-water-and-coal shop early in the morning . ’
3 They interviewed this large sample of women about their work histories , current employment and current domestic position .
4 While arguments regarding biologically-based sexual differences applied to all women , the Victorian scientists who developed them built up their theories on the basis of assumptions regarding the behaviour of women in their own class , and , as Elizabeth Fee has pointed out , there was therefore an essential circularity in their reasoning .
5 About a quarter of women in their 40s have some degree of baldness ( androgenic alopecia ) .
6 One of the few but important things Preston and William had in common as children was the dominant role of women in their lives .
7 I move on , twenty years , into the mid-seventies , to a study of the participation of women in their local trade union organisations .
8 The Weather People , as they later called themselves because of the number of women in their ranks , were led by Bernardine Dohrn .
9 In summary , the 1970s was a period when inequality and gender were publicly debated , when unions , largely to further their own interests , were trying to redress the powerlessness of women within their organisations , and when sociologists first recognised gender as an indispensable concept for the analysis of productive relations of the workplace and reproductive relations of the home .
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