Example sentences of "[noun sg] of women [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The concentration of women in industries and occupations where seasonal , temporary and casual rather than fixed contract working prevails also goes much of the way to explaining why the majority of female temporary workers are also part-timers .
2 The high concentration of women in jobs which are , in Blauner 's words ‘ the least skilled , the most repetitive , and the least free ’ makes it possible for men to have jobs with the opposite attributes .
3 It sanctioned the sexualization of women by men , making them ‘ a thing , an instrument devoted to appeasing the sexual passion of the man ’ .
4 In other words , they take the side of women against forms of male power .
5 The gastric oxidation of alcohol has been implicated in the enhanced vulnerability of women to complications of alcoholism .
6 These writers argue that the oppression of women by men is the most important aspect of social inequality in society , and that men 's exploitation of women is not a by-product of any other form of inequality .
7 The attempt to subvert binary logic threatens to invalidate the structuralist enterprise , and it is not without reason that in the early seventies Kristeva , Irigaray , and other women theorists began to map structuralism 's binary logic onto the social and discursive oppression of women by men .
8 Even her repeated conception of women in groups has firm roots in the classical .
9 In modern times the careful protection of women at stations has declined , and the complex hierarchies of race and class have been simplified .
10 Just the men , what 's the kind of proportion of women to men in the factory ?
11 However , the proportion of men covered by occupational pension schemes had fallen slightly by 1983 to 66 per cent , while the proportion of women in schemes remained constant ( table 7.42 ) .
12 In fact , in these cases the division of labour seems to be the product of the exploitation of women by men , rather than its cause .
13 The exploitation of women by men and the society they make-up is another facet of the play .
14 I think it 's very undesirable that it should be seen as an issue of women versus men , because the chances of getting anywhere are reduced if it 's set up in that way .
15 Heterosexuality , once it is exposed as an exchange of women between men , reveals itself as a mediated form of homosexuality .
16 Thus it spread the Labour gospel of women as mothers .
17 Second-year units take up specific issues such as nostalgia for lost innocence and order , the literature of political commitment , the relationship between artistic form and cultural change , and the significant emergence of women as producers of literature .
18 The room was largely uninhabited : a group of women in jeans were laughing in the opposite corner , and two girls were in earnest conversation by the window , pink spiky heads leaning together .
19 At all levels of education the ratio of women to men has been increasing steadily .
20 For example , between 1970 and 1982 the ratio of women to men achieving two or more A-levels rose steadily from 75:100 to 95:100 and the corresponding ratio for university entrants rose from 40:100 to 70:100 .
21 For example , among income support recipients in 1989 the ratio of women to men increased from being roughly equal among those aged 60–9 , to three to one in the 70–9 age group , to 4.6 to one for those aged 80 and over ( DSS , 1991 , p. 28 ) .
22 I have though had a good ratio of women to men shown in the gallery but I do n't think that is what draws women to me .
23 They trace and explain why it is , that the ratio of women to men diagnosed with a mental disorder is 2:1 .
24 In silk weaving the ratio of women to men weavers was probably significantly higher than in wool or cotton .
25 The portion of women with complications of toxaemia rose sharply with age ; rates were two to three times higher for older women ( 40–44 ) than for younger ones , depending upon parity .
26 The excess of these women in GP referrals , it might be argued , represents the excess of women with children seen in general practice ( Shepherd et al . ,
27 On Jan. 22 the Supreme Court refused to allow the only all-male dining club at Princeton University to maintain its exclusion of women as members .
28 She both appropriates and adulterates the discourses of history , challenging their claim to tell the truth and their implicit exclusion of women from positions of discursive authority .
29 In view of the relative neglect of women in studies of redundancy , this was an unfortunate deficiency ( see Daniel 1972 ; Barron and Norris 1978 ) .
30 In the past twenty-five years the role of women on farms had changed dramatically .
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