Example sentences of "[noun sg] of this in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am interested in your Trout Quartet — I can find no mention of this in the catalogues but wonder if it is the Trout Quintet recorded under a cheaper label ?
2 Certainly there is no mention of this in the marriage ceremony !
3 Conversely , patients considered to be appropriate candidates but not teferred for transplant , may have had detailed discussion with their physician and declined referral , without mention of this in the casenotes .
4 They found confirmation of this in the one fact that nearly all nineteenth-century anthropologists were agreed upon , that what characterized primitives ( if not perhaps the most primitive ) was the predominance of kinship ties as the organizing principle of society .
5 I find confirmation of this in the fact that in describing Pelops 's wing of the gable he ends with Alpheus .
6 Although many years later Braque recalled how strong an impression tribal art made on him , it is hard to see any direct reflection of this in the paintings executed at the time when Picasso was reacting so positively to tribal sculpture ; even in a painting like the Nu any influence from tribal art seems to have come at second hand , through Picasso 's Demoiselles .
7 Employees ' reports of monitoring for exposure to ionising radiation agreed with the industrial records , except for one mother of a case who reported being monitored , but there was no record of this in the industry databases .
8 There is abundant evidence of this in the writings of William Cobbett , who observes well the results of a process without clearly understanding the causes .
9 John Chadwick ( 1976 , p. 157 ) agrees that transactions would have been easier if prices were agreed in terms of a base-commodity — whether gold or silver or something else — but there seems to be no evidence of this in the archive tablets .
10 There was further evidence of this in the government 's role in negotiating an agreement , signed on Sept. 2 , to begin formal peace talks with the insurgents in the Netherlands .
11 There is also evidence of this in the last scene of the play .
12 Heseltine is determined to make the DTI pro-active , although there was no hint of this in the Tory manifesto .
13 There is no hint of this in the Crowland chronicle , but it would correspond with Mancini 's picture of a minority on the council wanting a protector , while the majority backed an immediate coronation and conciliar authority .
14 There is no hint of this in the Crowland chronicle , but it would correspond with Mancini 's picture of a minority on the council wanting a protector , while the majority backed an immediate coronation and conciliar authority .
15 Watch out for more news of this in the next edition of the Medau News .
16 An example of this in the classical theory of general relativity is provided by a black hole , which is a region of space-time in which the gravitational field is so strong that any light or other signal is dragged back into the region and can not escape to the outside world .
17 There is a splendid example of this in the church at Antioch ( 13:1ff ) .
18 There is no example of this in the Karg-Elert example , but it will be dealt with more thoroughly later when we discuss the style of free diatonicism .
19 You have already met an example of this in the heat generated when the iron core of a planet separates downwards .
20 We have already encountered an archetypal example of this in the Neolithic mother-goddess cult , and it may be that today , over-indulged children , not fully weaned because of permissive fashions in modern childrearing , and encouraged throughout their childhood and adolescence to remain dependent on parents who have been afraid to deny them anything , experience a similar hankering after the unobtainable but mouth-watering mother-as-breast .
21 The book Drama Structures contains an excellent example of this in the " Starship " project .
22 The author embodies his sense of this in the cumulative use of the verb leap to point towards the poise achieved above the abyss of self-destruction .
23 The significance of this in the context of this section is simply as a reminder that those groups who tend not to use bank loans and credit cards — generally older people in the lower income and socio-economic groups , and women as opposed to men — probably have not consciously chosen not to .
24 Alternances was built on fragments of Romanian folk songs but there was also a feel of this in the Scherzo too for its somewhat frenetic and flamboyant violin melodies brought to mind the gypsy fiddlers of Eastern Europe .
25 Thus a household with say , current low net income may have high expected future incomes and we may want to take account of this in the design of policy .
26 We have already seen a form of this in the accompaniment to Webern 's song in Op. 23 quoted above ( Example 134 ) .
27 And a copy of this in the German language will be in the er museum .
28 There is a snatch of this in the Roman Mass for Easter Day which talks in terms of ‘ O felix culpa ’ — ‘ O blessed sin which wrought man 's redemption ’ .
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