Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [n mass] from the " in BNC.

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1 George Walker , former chief executive of Brent Walker , was arrested and charged with the theft of £12.5m from the company .
2 Is the Prime Minister aware that the Home Office is withdrawing section 11 funding from all the colleges in the London borough of Ealing and that that adversely affects the Pathway further education centre in my constituency , where we have the largest concentration of people from the new Commonwealth ?
3 An extrapolation of these figures would indicate an annual turnover of staff from the department as high as 100% — a disquieting percentage even after allowance for the various factors which may accelerate change in a predominantly female workforce . ’
4 Although he sailed over with King George , as some twenty-five years previously he had accompanied the Prince of Orange on his voyage to claim the crown , he received only an annuity of £400 from the new monarch , was soon deep in debt again , and ended his days in a debtor 's prison .
5 The project is financed through a £3m grant from the Welsh Office and an investment of £4.4m from the Perkin-Elmer Corporation .
6 It stood on the corner of Page Street at the Jamaica Road end , and was the favourite haunt of folk from the surrounding backstreets .
7 We have been promised a grant of £1,000 from the Village Association , and a further long-term loan from them of £1,000 .
8 Dr. John Quicke , psychologist and Lecturer in the Division , has been awarded a research grant of £10,000 from the Mental Health Foundation , ( with likely funding of a further £10,000 ) to explore ways in which schools can teach about mental handicap .
9 They also received a grant of £250000 from the Central Authority to cover losses .
10 The £300 would be raised by collecting £150 , borrowing £100 and seeking a grant of £50 from the Chapel Committee .
11 This will require a grant of £1500 from the Village Association , the use of most of the Tennis Club funds [ £6–800 ] and possibly up to £500 as an interest free loan from the Village Association .
12 This will require a grant of £1500 from the Village Association , the use of most of the Tennis Club funds ( £6–800 ) and possibly up to £500 as an interest free loan from the Village Association .
13 It was printed by Thomas Constable of Edinburgh [ q.v. ] , and published in 1845 , the cost met by the mission board of the United Secession Church , aided by a grant of £500 from the British and Foreign Bible Society .
14 On 6 October 1840 Sewell reported an annual grant of £200 from the Royal Agricultural Society of England to finance lectures on the anatomy and treatment of the various disorders of cattle , sheep and other domestic animals .
15 The group received a grant of £300 from the Shell Better Britain Campaign towards the cost of plants and materials to create a picnic site and wildflower meadow .
16 Despite attempts to diminish the drain of people from the depressed areas the flow to the south continued .
17 In the documents relating to the purchase of works from the Hermitage , discussed between Colnaghi and Knoedler , no French rococo painting was singled out , only one Italian eighteenth-century painting was mentioned , and no seventeenth-century Italian or French pictures were discussed .
18 The wave power device has received funding of £50,000 from the government for the research stage and £15,000 from the Highland Region 's development department for the prototype .
19 The Environmental Research and Management Group , a University-wide team of 110 researchers interested in environmental science , is working on a major research programme with funding of $0.84m from the US Environmental Protection Agency .
20 The club was started in late spring 1991 , with an original funding of £200 from the school to help broaden the experience of its pupils .
21 One grandmother , remembered as ‘ dressed all day in black silk ’ , had an annual income of £700 from the New River Company , which she ‘ spent in bringing us up ’ to make up for the incompetence of her solicitor son : she would sit all day ‘ upright in an armchair at the side of the fire ’ , opposite to her son 's .
22 Recent research by the federation showed that in 1990–1 only £18,000 of relief was granted , compared to a rates income of £15bn from the business community .
23 In the Philippines , however , President Corazon Aquino had refused to meet him in protest at congressional removal of $96,000 from the $481,000,000 in aid originally promised for 1990 .
24 In 1866 he launched an ambitious plan to rebuild the college chapel and began fund-raising with a donation of £100 from the pope himself .
25 We recently received a letter enclosing a valuable donation of £250 from the Settlement .
26 A donation of £260 from the proceeds of the tombola stall and refreshment/poster sales has been handed to the theatre by the Friends who have already made plans for a repeat performance in the autumn .
27 Sponsorship , including a donation of £5,000 from the North West 200 Supporters Club , adds up to £40,000 .
28 In August 1717 Alberoni began trying to persuade Charles XII of Sweden and Czar peter the Great of Russia to sink their differences in return for a present of £100,000 from the Pretender , to pay for their armies to restore him to his throne .
29 Until very recently housing associations have been able to have their own policies as to whom they can house , as well as housing a certain proportion of people from the housing waiting-list as part of their financial agreement with the local authority .
30 She 's wanted for questioning following the withdrawal of £130,000 from the funds of the Worcestershire Kurdish Refugee Association .
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