Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [Wh det] be [be] " in BNC.

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1 Among humans , even when we do not understand the words , the manner of expression still tells us a great deal of what is being communicated , especially at a basic level of feeling , emotion and facts of physical life .
2 Because if you do n't , if do n't do a word by word translation , as some of you did , you , you may miss the meaning of certain words , and that might totally alter your perception of what 's being said , and then what you should , wh when you 've done a literal translation , you will have a very stiff erm , u unusual version of it , written in modern English vocabulary but you 'll find that word ordering and things like that wo n't be appropriate , and sometimes the vocabulary are n't the kind of words that would normally be used now .
3 But unlike the Public Order Act 1936 , section 5 , the test here is not whether or not the victim is likely to be provoked into responding violently , but whether he is likely to experience alarm , distress or harassment as a result of what is being done and said .
4 This means that the account given is rooted in the natural setting of what is being described , and is thus very different from both the formal interview and laboratory research , which involve creating an artificial situation in which the data is collected .
5 But the government believes that , not least in the light of what is being achieved in other countries , the standards now generally attained by our pupils are neither as good as they can be , nor as good as they need to be if young people are to be equipped for the world of the twenty-first century .
6 There is a profound difference between the kind of problem-solving which encourages us to use reason in order to reach a solution and the awareness of Mystery which leads to feelings of wonder and awe and worship in the light of what is being contemplated .
7 Speech act theory provides us with a means of probing beneath the surface of discourse and establishing the function of what is being said .
8 Erm chairman , the erm District Council officer who 's been erm delegated to draw up the scheme for for the parish coun for , for the town did meet erm here , one morning some weeks ago , with myself and Steve , the clerk , and showed us some er a sketch of what was being proposed .
9 I suspect that , when people up and down the country realise the sheer horror of what is being proposed , they will recoil from such an open-ended commitment for massive local government spending .
10 Each different way of expressing ‘ the topic ’ will effectively represent a different judgement of what is being written ( or talked ) about in a text .
11 Barbara Conroy , in her book on library staff development discusses evaluation in terms of how far stated objectives have been achieved , and emphasizes that although evaluation requires careful identification of what is being evaluated and why , to decide the ‘ how , when and where ’ , of evaluation if it is to be more than ‘ just a way of channelling impressionistic information into a required report form ’ , that it is not a highly ‘ esoteric ’ activity , necessarily involving ‘ complex research methodology ’ .
12 an identification of what is being valued ;
13 The entire project including the Musselburgh and Portobello Bypasses had an estimated overall cost of £126 million , a proportion of which is being met by Central Government Grant and a European Regional Development Fund Grant .
14 Until then I 'd never had any intimation of what was being done nowadays in the field of biblical research , or of the attacks being launched by competent historians .
15 This might be the case where a firm recommends a customer to purchase an investment , the issue of which is being underwritten by the firm .
16 There is not a lot of doubt about the desirability of what is being proposed : the problem lies in anticipating the kind of difficulties which will arise and in devising effective and imaginative solutions .
17 Even in more casual situations people often try to get at the upshot of what is being said with such utterances as ‘ What are you trying to tell me ? ’
18 Identify utterances which try to formulate explicitly the upshot of what is being said .
19 The culture of the student experience is one of a self-questioning voyage , not in any self-indulgent form , but rooted in a rigorous self-critical examination of what is being taught , learned and achieved .
20 He reports that the harvest had been very abundant but mentions nothing but potatoes , the surplus of which was being sent to the south , the earlies at £5 per ton which after deducting freight etc. leaves the farmer about £4–5–0 ; rocks were £4 per ton .
21 Factive verbs presuppose the truth of what is being asserted ( eg " Mary liked the show " ) .
22 Moreover we can discuss the meaning of what is being said even if it so happens that there are no trees in the park , or if all the trees happened to be the same age and none of them was an oak .
23 These communication styles can be expected to induce difficulties in the listener 's ability to focus attention and handle the meaning of what is being said .
24 Analysis has been brought forward to show that what was taken as proof of a lack of logical processes amongst ‘ primitive ’ peoples was often simply misunderstanding by ill-informed European commentators of the meaning of what was being said and done .
25 Validity refers to the problem of whether the data collected is a true picture of what is being studied .
26 However , CPRW also offers the following detailed criticism of what is being proposed :
27 The addition of Uphall will greatly enhance our capabilities in this area of business , the development of which is being masterminded by Peter Witherington .
28 Discourse is reciprocal when there is at least a potential for interaction , when the sender can monitor reception and adjust to it — or , to put it another way , where the receiver can influence the development of what is being said .
29 In view of this dependence on outside finance , some of us felt that there could perhaps be more concern with the economics of what is being done .
30 The monitoring and evaluation process should not only inform us about the quality of what is being offered in schools , it should actually promote a raising of standards .
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