Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [v-ing] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I BELIEVE the practice of embalming is in the interest of public health and promise to promote embalming to the best of my ability .
2 The Eighties surf bubble has well and truly burst , and competition prize money for the sport side of surfing is on the wane .
3 I had the advantage of having been in the Civil Service in the war and [ was ] even offered establishment in the Treasury as a permanent thing .
4 Much of the controversy in the literature of weeding is over the most effective method of predicting the future use of a collection .
5 This is interpreted as : maximum aperture 2.8 , focal length 32mm and the range of focusing is from a minimum of 0.6 metre to infinity .
6 Spenser could consider himself a gentleman only on the basis of having been to university and acquired a Master of Arts degree .
7 The sensation of seeing is for us very different from the sensation of hearing , but this can not be directly due to the physical differences between light and sound .
8 Over and again eye-witnesses at Verdun testify to the curious sensation of having been in the line twice , three times , without ever having seen an enemy infantryman .
9 Another display entitled ‘ La Corrida ’ featuring 120 paintings and drawings by Botero on the theme of bullfighting is at the Grand Palais from 20 to 29 November .
10 ‘ With adults the process of acting is about the losing of inhibitions .
11 One way of ensuring that locals have a reasonable chance of winning is to slightly bias just a few of the questions .
12 The most obvious sign of ageing is through our skin tissues .
13 For the snail genes the method of leaving is via snail sperms or eggs .
14 With the provision of booths and sound systems , most conference interpreting is now of the simultaneous variety but , as is frequently pointed out by interpreters themselves , the most common use of interpreting is in some personal consecutive mode and not in conferences .
15 A further use of microprogramming is in writing programs to test for and diagnose faults in the computer hardware .
16 If the choice of bearing is between a sixteen double O four and a six double O four , it may hang , for us it may hang on whether , er , whether we can localize the sixteen double O four
17 The subject of feeding is of considerable importance and needs to be considered from two angles , the quantity fed and the feeding regime ; and the quality of the food .
18 The average size of holding is between 3 and 6 ha , and below 3000 m irrigation is practised .
19 yeah I think right but I think the way of analyzing is through just saying you , what are your grievances and then ultimately that will result in landlords being driven out .
20 She argues that the main task is that of deciding what to do , and that the best way of deciding is through a genuinely democratic epistemology .
21 There seemed to be an element of ‘ never again' in the choice of a man whose whole personality and way of working are in dramatic contrast to the distant , dictatorial von Karajan , who died on 16 July .
22 Now if we work as a team and we work very sensibly and reasonably , it may wo may well be that the most sensible way of working is for the project engineer to decide who 's gon na do the site measure .
23 This means that the thankless task of nagging is of an elevated importance in the unknown band 's armoury of skills : the less notice they take , the more you need to pester them .
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