Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [coord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What is important is whether the intervention is in support of or against the state , how it is manifested and what its impact is .
2 But Attlee and others believed that Britain could not act without the support of or against the wishes of the United States .
3 The 1989 regulations are similar to the 1987 regulations in several respects ; for example , it is the topography of a semiconductor which is protected being , by regulation 2 , a design which is either : ( a ) the pattern fixed , or intended to be fixed , in or upon ( i ) a layer of a semiconductor product , or ( ii ) a layer of material in the course of and for the purpose of the manufacture of a semiconductor product , or ( b ) the arrangement of the patterns fixed , or intended to be fixed , in or upon the layers of a semiconductor product in relation to one another .
4 But the rigour of the criminal law is relaxed in her favour by the provision of the same Act that , on a charge against her for any offence , other than treason or murder , it is a good defence to prove that the offence was committed in the presence of and under the coercion of her husband .
5 Well erm erm had a word with erm who was about oh fourth in line in the erm education hierarchy in those days and erm then spoke to who was the Chief Education Officer and er , I think they were a bit erm , bit apprehensive about employing a blind typist because erm it was something that they had never had any experience of but in the end they thought it was worth a try and er especially after supporting me at the College and erm also perhaps they had in mind that many of the erm employees would be leaving if war broke out and erm , in fact by that time war had probably started
6 SCOTVEC gratefully acknowledges the work of all the members of the module writing teams and the team coordinators in the development of the new Sciences modules and the work of and of the Scottish Further Education Unit in the preparation of this document .
7 But Carson is also suggesting how the fantasized desire for the ‘ other ’ actually begins at home as a domestic projection ; how fantasy is ineradicably social and , as such , susceptibility to stereotypes of all kinds , including racial and racist ones ; how fantasy of and for the other exemplifies the mobilities of desire and identification .
8 Client will provide to KPMG such information as KPMG may reasonably request from time to time in connection with the Offer and will not , without prior consultation and the written consent of KPMG ( such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) make or publish any announcement , public statement or document concerning the Offer whether before the announcement of or during the course of the Offer ; and
9 Clauses of this type , often known as " QC clauses " , are encountered where litigation may need to be conducted in the name of or at the expense of another party , and that other party wants some assurance that the claim is sound .
10 When darkness fell and cavortings could be heard round the edge of the pond within the wall , and on top of and within the hollow shell of the Stocks Tree , my father worried , as old people will .
11 Unix International is also preparing to look beyond Unix System Laboratories in its quest for technologies on top of and around the core Unix System V Release 4 ( SVR4 ) operating system , say sources close to the organisation .
12 As we pointed out in Chapter 1 , the importance of theories in the pursuit of and in the constitution of " facts " is hard to underestimate .
13 If you or any member of your family suffer death , bodily injury or illness arising from negligence of our suppliers ( other than air and sea carriers performing any domestic , internal or international carriage of whatsoever kind for whom we accept no liability ) , their sub=contractors , servants and/or agents , we will accept responsibility provided that they were acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment when the accident occurred .
14 We accept responsibility for the acts and/or omissions of our employees or agents and suppliers while acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment , agency or contract of supply and we also accept responsibility for any deficiencies in the services we are contractually obliged to provide or for any failure of such services to reach a reasonable standard save , in each case that :
15 We also accept responsibility for the negligent acts and/or omissions not only of our own employees or agents but also of our suppliers and sub-contractors and their servants or agents ( provided of course that any such negligent act or omission is within the scope of or in the course of their employment ) in respect of claims arising as a result of death , bodily injury or illness caused to the person who signed the booking form and/or any other person named on the booking form .
16 The King was , however , also King of his Dominions and it had been provided by the Statute of Westminster 1931 , s.4 , that Parliament should not legislate for the Dominions ( defined as Australia , Canada , the Irish Free State , Newfoundland , New Zealand and the Union of South Africa ) except at the request of and with the consent of the Dominion concerned .
17 Obviously , where amendments to a Bill are passed at the behest of or with the connivance of the government , few problems will arise .
18 Broadly speaking , a fiduciary relationship will arise when one person undertakes to act on behalf of or for the benefit of another , often as an intermediary with a discretion or power that affects the interests of the other , and that other is in a position of vulnerability in relation to the fiduciary .
19 The first involves action against the institutions practising censorship , and the second involves action on behalf of or against the membership of the profession .
20 Cottam suggested that he too should have been paid for his fortnight 's service , but the Governors replied that they were under the impression that " his services had been tendered on behalf of and as the personal friend of Mr. Hamilton " .
21 Anxiety is particularly pronounced in the images of our own century , the anxiety of the observer of and for the child , the anxiety of the child itself .
22 1.6.5 immediately to bring to the attention of any improper or wrongful use of 's trade marks , designs , models or other similar industrial , intellectual or commercial property rights which come to the notice of and in the performance of its duties under this Agreement , and to use every effort to safeguard the property rights and interests of and and at the request and cost of , take all steps required by to defend such rights ;
23 It would , he explained , be a ‘ society of free people , a society of and for the working people , built on the principles of humanism , socialist democracy and social justice ’ .
24 Courtesy of and of the Department of Applied Chemical and Physical Sciences .
25 ‘ I 'm neither in favour of nor against the proposed golf-course , Mr Calder .
26 All figural cinema , or cinema which privileges spectacle over narrative or discourse , operates — as Mulvey suggests — largely on the model of and through the primary process .
27 All of these took place on the eve of or during the decades of greatest activity in antislavery .
28 In the company of and from the Key Street Office , I attended the funeral and an address given by a friend and neighbour paid a glowing tribute to recalling how much she enjoyed life and that she would be missed by her many friends .
29 The more to the left of and above the dashed straight line a curve is , the more potential exists for improvement .
30 These are a pair of very mobile jointed appendages which are articulated with the head in front of or between the eyes .
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