Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun prp] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A diagnosis of cholera was confirmed in 15 patients on the basis of isolation of Vibrio cholerae from the stool .
2 Peter Nutting , who led the association of Outhwaite members to a succesful settlement , said he sympathised with Gooda Walker names , but ‘ if the names were not going to pay these calls , who did they think was going to pay them ? ’
3 Nevertheless , Shultz was reported as promising that the USA would " do its best " to maintain the flow of US high technology to China [ for March 1988 lifting of US sanctions on high-technology exports to China see p. 35966 ] .
4 Lawrence Mullins , 32 , of Stuart Close , Pilgrims Hatch , near Brentwood , appeared before a special sitting of Basildon magistrates on Saturday .
5 A man appeared at a special sitting of Scarborough magistrates on Saturday accused of attempted rape .
6 Cameroon is also the main exporter of Guinness brands to Equatorial Guinea and Chad .
7 The historical consciousness of Ulster protestants in this sphere is also a faith consciousness .
8 Locus boosts speed of Microsoft Windows under Unix
9 Mrs Brooks , forty-three , has moved up from the role of president of US operations to overall president and chief executive officer of the company , a newly created post .
10 CL depends so often on rendition of a range of colours , some soft and subtle , some brilliant , that optimum reporting of CL studies in publications may demand expensive colour plates .
11 Assuring Singapore and other " friends " that the eventual closure of US bases in the Philippines [ see p. 38677 ] would " not spell the end to American engagement " in the Asia-Pacific region , Bush said that the US would " maintain a visible , credible presence " in the region through the use of forward deployed forces and bilateral defence arrangements .
12 Mr Clinton wants this chopped even further to 100,000 bringing a loss of US earnings in the UK .
13 Profit and loss of Barbies Bikes for May 1989
14 Allegations by Roman Catholic bishops and some non-governmental organizations had been followed by reports of the murder of UN employees in September and October [ see pp. 39132 ; 39181 ] .
15 When a delegation of US engineers in 1953 criticised power station design and construction , the engineers pointed to the inadequacy of their staffing levels for the unusually wide headquarters responsibility .
16 An investigation of 300 boxmakers in 1915 ( of whom 78 per cent were married women and 16 per cent widowed ) found that one-third were totally dependent on their earnings , one-third partly dependent , and one-third worked only for ‘ pin money ’ ; but a much larger study of Birmingham workers in 1906 had found that 52 per cent of outworkers ( a category including those employed in small workshops and homeworkers ) were married with husbands earning small or irregular wages , 46 per cent were widows or deserted wives and only 0.4 per cent worked for pocket money .
17 The purpose of this project is to undertake a detailed study of UK firms in order to model their behaviour in product and factor markets .
18 If we look at the evidence of Roberts 's study of Lancashire households between 1890 and 1940 , we see that the various categories of kin who co-resided included : unmarried daughters living with parents ; unmarried brothers and sisters living with a married sibling ; orphaned children ; children whose parents were still alive , but who had gone to live with relatives because of parental poverty or lack of space in the parental household ( Roberts , 1984 , pp. 72–7 ) .
19 The distribution is broadly similar for women workers , except that there is a heavy concentration of West Indians in the professional and scientific category which is simply due to the large numbers of West Indian women employed in the health services at fairly low levels .
20 Despite there being a demonstration of COSE desktops at the announcement last week — which included drag and drop between Motif and Open Look applications — what the resulting products will actually be remains unclear until the specification is released , and that is now expected to be sooner than the end-of-June timeframe that was given .
21 Despite a demonstration of COSE desktops at the announcement last week — which included drag and drop between Motif and Open Look applications — what the resulting products will be unclear until the specification is released , now expected sooner than the end of June timeframe .
22 ‘ MIPS and Sparc begat Power , which begat Alpha which will beget something new … none will dominate the open-systems market long enough for the critical mass of software needed for long-term success to develop … the future of RISC microprocessors in the open systems market is dead …
23 In July 1990 , in response to the uncertainty over the future of US bases in the Philippines , Brunei joined Singapore in offering the USA the option of operating its forces from Brunei .
24 His style of narration changes in the last chapter , as his narration of Ralph changes from Ralph 's point of view near the beginning , back to Golding 's extensive view of the whole island .
25 IN THE dim half-light of a winter 's afternoon , the gradual incline of Cranley Gardens in Muswell Hill stretches bleakly ahead , bringing to mind the lonely victims of the street 's most notorious resident , Dennis Nielsen .
26 It is probably just an elaboration of the historical secession of Cambridge students to Northampton in 1261 .
27 The chronicle of Plantagenet losses in the reigns of Philip Augustus ( 1180–1224 ) , Louis VII ( 1224–6 ) and Louis IX ( 1226–70 ) could not be unwritten .
28 But the piling-up of EC surpluses of beef , dairy products and cereals could — up to a point .
29 The demonstrations broke out in response to a general strike call issued by leaders of the Muhajir National Movement ( Muhajir Qaumi Mahaz — MQM — representing Urdu-speaking migrants originally from India ) in protest at the alleged abduction of MQM members by supporters of the ruling Pakistan People 's Party ( PPP ) .
30 This development was part of a looming trade dispute , the Bush administration having announced on Aug. 21 that unless China removed barriers to the entry of US products into the Chinese market by Oct. 10 , it would impose punitive tariffs of up to 100 per cent of value on Chinese-made imports worth US$3,900 million [ see p. 39051 ; see also p. 38530 for opening in October 1991 of US investigations into China 's trade barriers under Section 301 of the 1988 Trade Act ] .
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