Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun pl] over [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Town planning stood to gain accordingly , even if the years between the wars showed no great practical advance in the design , layout and building of towns over what had been achieved before .
2 In Dew v. Parsons ( 1819 ) 2 B. & Ald. 562 an attorney was held entitled to set off against a claim by a sheriff the excess amount which he had paid to the sheriff for the issue of warrants over what the sheriff was legally entitled to charge .
3 The trainer 's task is to explore more deeply , by facilitating an exchange of views over what else might happen and what passes through the minds of the adviser and client as a result of particular approaches .
4 Feminist criticism and research has helped to increase the number of women subjects in mainstream European and North American psychology , and the range of topics over which they are studied .
5 Of course this makes sense in the case of insanity , automatism or involuntary movement but the range of factors over which one has no control is obviously wider than such clear instances of total lack of control .
6 Clearly , the range of frequencies over which a potential divider constructed solely from resistors acts as a satisfactory attenuator is restricted .
7 Here again there is negligible waste of power , but unfortunately the range of frequencies over which a transformer will act as a potential or current divider is restricted by the behaviour of the core , there being both a lower and upper limit .
8 An undergraduate met by chance on the campus walkway might be treated to one of his brilliant , spontaneous tutorials , the kind normally only dreamt about , while a group of colleagues over whose meeting he was to preside gazed at an empty chair .
9 To that end , a body of notes over which you have " sweated blood " is a pearl beyond price .
10 The neglected , but instructive , sub-text to the passions aroused by the BBC director-general 's financial affairs is the ambitious and contentious agenda of reforms over which he has presided in the run-up to the renewal of the corporation 's charter .
11 Dahl focused upon the making of decisions over which there was an observable conflict of opinion and he studied how that conflict was resolved between the different individuals and groups involved .
12 Cutaways are a great help when you are trying to build a sequence of events over which you have little or no control .
13 Public accountability is particularly important in respect of activities over which the government has a monopoly and in respect of which the citizen has no choice but to deal with the government .
14 On the other hand it is equally important not to minimize the effects of sentencing practice on penal policy by assuming that the courts are at the mercy of pressures over which they have no control , and to which they can only passively respond .
15 The number of towns over which low-level flying was banned was increased from 25 to 61 and the hours of low-level flying conducted by the West German Air Force was to be reduced from 23,000 to 21,000 each year , although the number of hours for other NATO air forces remained at 45,000 .
16 On June 24 in Luxembourg EC Social Affairs Ministers reached agreement in principle on introducing a maximum working week of 48 hours across the EC ( although the number of months over which the 48-hour limit should be averaged remained unresolved ) .
17 The maximum number of years over which a mortgage can be taken .
18 The number of years over which loans could be repaid was a matter for each individual authority , subject to maxima laid down by the Government for given categories of assets .
19 There would be a gap of anything from six months to a number of years over which a veil was drawn .
20 The value of shares over which each participant may at any time be granted an option under the Executive Scheme when added to the aggregate of the values of shares ( as at the date of grant of the options ) comprised in outstanding options granted in the preceding ten years under the Executive Scheme and any other employee share option scheme operated by the Company ( other than a savings related share options scheme ) is limited to four times the participant 's annual salary .
21 the maximum value of shares over which a person may be granted options under the Executive Scheme ;
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