Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun pl] [is] to " in BNC.

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1 The third main contribution of coins to the study of portraits is to their chronology .
2 The most fruitful feature of Pythagorean teaching was the key idea that the essence of things is to be found in the concept of number , which was regarded as having spatial and also temporal significance .
3 For instance , a clause providing for auditors to value shares may state that the auditor is to certify their " fair value " or similar words ( see 3.5 ) ; a minority holding of shares is to be valued without regard to the fact that it is a minority holding ( see 3.6 ) ; surveyors have to assume certain facts and disregard others in establishing a rental ( see 2.3.3 ) .
4 Moreover , the fact that experience of objects is to be had only under the form of space and time ensures the applicability of mathematics to the whole or the phenomenal ( and hence physical ) world .
5 However , most of the work involved in the identification of objects is to be carried out by independent groups of experts handling archives , libraries , museum collections and legal matters .
6 Simply a concurrence of events which one will inevitably encounter every now and then if the law of averages is to be believed .
7 In the former the tectonic movement and the migration of troughs is to the south and southwest .
8 The second key element in a rational approach to budgeting is the base on which the range of choices is to be set .
9 Registration of rents is to be abolished ( formerly rents were registered with the rent officer ) .
10 The beginning of this trend , in which the fundamental need of parents is to be happy in parenthood , can be seen in two ways .
11 In other words , each group of problems is to some extent causative of the other groups .
12 Reading this group of sonnets is to be reminded of the noble conclusion to the first book of Bacon 's Advancement of Learning : In describing his Friend as my love or He the Poet could be seen as using the third-person form in order to place him apart , perhaps to place him outside the sphere of time 's influence .
13 Nor can it be said simply that " this " in language A means " that " in language B. If the meaning of words is to be determined accurately , the following basic principles of semantics ( " the science of meaning " ) must be understood and applied : 1 .
14 The discretion of directors is to be exercised in the choice of means to attain that end , and does not extend to a change in the end itself , to the reduction of profits , or to the nondistribution of profits among stockholders in order to devote them to other purposes ’ .
15 The effect of the sharp rise of the ratio of women 's to men 's wages in 1972 is evident in the graph ( Ermisch 1979 ) .
16 As with men 's share of unpaid household work , indicators such as the ratio of women 's to men 's rates of pay , plotted in figure 10.2 , and women 's share in household earnings , have shown some changes but still display a gulf between the sexes .
17 Cultural and social forces are also likely to be important in explaining the fall in fertility , but among economic factors the ratio of women 's to men 's pay emerges as having contributed to falling birth rates during the 1970s .
18 The crucial factors are the relative opportunity costs and the ratio of men 's to women 's earnings .
19 … the Messiah is to suffer death and to rise from the dead on the third day , and … in his name repentance bringing the forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed to all nations ( Luke 24:46 ) .
20 The first serious attempt was made as early as 1869 by a young Swiss doctor , Johannes Friedrich Miescher ( 1844–1894 ) , whose uncle was Wilhelm His ( 1831–1904 ) , a most unusual anatomist who maintained the forward-looking proposition ‘ La solution finale du problème du développement tissulaire se trouve dans la chimie ’ ( The final solution of the problem of development of organs is to be found in chemistry ) .
21 Plan is defined as " any hierarchical process in the organism ( student ) that can control the order in which a sequence of operations is to be performed " .
22 Imports are cheaper to consumers and hence a rise in the volume of imports is to be expected , as the cost of the goods excluding the tariff has risen but the domestic price of the goods including the CET has fallen .
23 Pots and pans , etc : The variable nature of this task with soil loads ranging from light to very heavy can impose special problems if a continuous flow of items is to be handled .
24 The most important bias of dictionaries is to the written rather than the spoken word .
25 First , the barrier is often a lack of theological understanding that the Spirit-filled life as described in the book of Acts is to be anticipated as the experience of believers today .
26 The full list of entries is to be announced on Friday , but organiser Wally Lord has already promised a line-up ‘ equal to that at Barcelona last year ’ .
27 The greatest number of forms is to be found in the group loosely called the Japanese type , Acer palmatum .
28 The response to the dilemma by a growing number of schools is to completely abandon the sale of food at breaks and to look to other means to generate funds .
29 A : Journalists always make the assumption that to be married for a number of years is to be happily married for those years .
30 Okay the second part of first appointment skill role play , I E step two the exploit of needs is to be conducted using the appropriate page of the photocopied CC C C Q which relates to your nominated product .
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