Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] which could " in BNC.

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1 If the queries coming into the public relations or press office are short questions they can usually be answered on the spot , but quite often they will be in the form of a general request for information on a specific topic and it could be that your organisation has in its files a good deal of material which could be sent out .
2 There is also fear of involvement which could become burdensome especially since many neighbours will have their own worries about relatives .
3 The next problem comes when we recognize that the work done so far has produced a piece of research which could easily keep a dozen people occupied for the rest of their lives .
4 The importance of Leigh is that the court was prepared to treat the " open justice " principle as a rule of law which could be asserted by a journalist against a discretionary policy , rather than as a desirable state of affairs which could nonetheless give way to judicial convenience .
5 James discussed this with a technical officer , and together they converted a very powerful hearing-aid ( now useless to James ) into an amplifier of vibration which could be felt .
6 Cruelty against fellow creatures with God-given souls constituted an unjust and blasphemous misuse of power which could , Clarkson argued , drive a fellow human being to madness , suicide or desperate revolt ; to bring on moral disorder ran the risk of provoking psychological and social disorder .
7 Thus the maximum term of imprisonment which could be inflicted without a jury quadrupled between 1884 and 1899 .
8 However , by assimilating and making their own so many Greek gods , literary conventions , artistic forms , philosophical ideas and social customs , they put themselves and the Greeks in a unique reciprocal situation ; the more so because they made their own language an instrument of thought which could rival Greek and render Greek ideas with remarkable precision ( though the Greeks never quite accepted the fact ) .
9 Here was a condition of contradiction which could not last forever .
10 The initiative in theology in the closing years of Troeltsch 's life was already passing to those who held that it was not , and that the whole direction of thought which could be seen as culminating in him needed to be put into reverse .
11 The main purpose of this paper , apart from saluting a distinguished colleague , is to alert excavators to the possible existence of evidence which could help to refine and clarify this present vague outline .
12 This is never done to motorists , where a very substantial minority of abusers literally get away with murder , despite the existence of technology which could reduce speeds substantially .
13 A European commission has ruled he 'd been denied access to justice and refused freedom of speech which could open the way for the new hearing .
14 Fearing public disorder and a wave of sympathy which could boost Mrs Marcos 's campaign for the presidency , the government announced it would not allow Mr Ferdinand Marcos 's embalmed remains to be brought home until after next month 's elections .
15 The initial interview established that the client had a depth of knowledge and level of skill which could be used to claim credit , and the matching exercise established that the performance criteria in 9 computing modules appeared to be met .
16 Discussion with the local agency should be instituted to establish the range and level of service which could be expected .
17 Contracting for other parts of the group , and even other manufacturers , provides a good half of the company 's income , and , just as importantly , enables it to invest in a high level of machinery which could not be justified for the volatile business of light aircraft manufacturing alone .
18 To recognize the value present in a situation ( he urges ) is not merely to have an attitude which someone else who conceives the ‘ factual character ’ of the situation in exactly the same way might lack , but to conceive it in a particular kind of way which could not be duplicated in someone not thus drawn to it .
19 It 's the kind of haul which could end up in lots of Christmas stockings , videos , perfume , clothes and even watches .
20 No history of the ‘ peculiarities of the English ’ can be generalised to other bourgeoisies elsewhere , but a detailed account of this class will show the kind of analysis which could be applied to others .
21 Behind her Rune remained silent , his presence oppressive as if he were some Superman radiating a special kind of beam which could put the world to rights if only one believed in it .
22 But it was precisely the kind of initiative which could be expected from a small , isolated and frustrated group of political activists .
23 The frustrations which Bridgeman and Maxse expressed towards the party hierarchy were the product of their belief that the leadership was not responding adequately to the party 's ‘ crisis ’ , and in particular not accepting the kind of programme which could bring the party back to power .
24 There is a potentially much broader field of work which could be construed as the sociology of knowledge .
25 Chomsky gave an indication of the narrowness of view which could be taken , when , immediately before his conclusion that ‘ grammar is autonomous ’ , he stated :
26 ‘ Thank God , the Führer is alive , ’ was a sigh of relief which could be heard everywhere .
27 And I think that could be the area , or the the type of development which could go on the flats .
28 The aims of the PMIS were outlined and the type of service which could be provided was described and discussed .
29 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
30 It is closely connected with a second moral thesis about the type of argument which could be used to establish the legitimacy of an authority .
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