Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] he could " in BNC.

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1 It was the only crumb of comfort he could salvage from the ordeal .
2 James was always making drawings on every piece of paper he could lay hands on — even his father 's sermons were not safe .
3 For one thing , he found it hard to accept that anyone who lacked the advantage of being American could pose much of a threat , and for another , he needed every scrap of material he could get from any quarter , even the newspapers , to sustain the nonstop barrage of reports he was firing into headquarters .
4 With a little bit of luck he could still make an impact in an important event .
5 And while he was on the film set or wherever he was you know , away from home for the week , he 'd be playing around with every bit of skirt he could find .
6 Even in Derry 's hour of glory he could n't but be impressed with the sheer physical presence of the senior players from Dublin and Galway .
7 He had often told her that it was a social disadvantage having the sort of wife he could n't take anywhere , but he dropped this line when she started appearing beside him at literary lunches and old school do 's .
8 The only sign of life he could see in the house was the white light from a television screen shining through a chink in the living-room curtains .
9 The slight sense of claustrophobia he could always arouse in her stirred .
10 The girls were now too close to their exam , too anxious to do more than lift their faces to him , but out of the tiredness and filth of lime he could be seen looking often at their heads bent over the lamplit pages in what looked close to melancholy and sunken reflection .
11 Was n't there one word of sympathy he could offer to ease her sorrow at having loved and lost him ?
12 Not only were his carts and equipment a great encumbrance , but Gould was limited in the amount of ground he could cover by a scarcity of supplies .
13 He is blessed , though , with large hands which assisted him with the amount of spin he could impart on a cricket ball .
14 So long as he was a Member of Parliament he could not be arrested for debt , but bailiffs were in the house when he was taken mortally ill .
15 Besides , since he was now suspended in the narrow space between the living world and the dark shadow-world of Death he could survey the whole of Causality itself .
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