Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another point worth noting , though perhaps less decisive , is the close association of Abdulkerim with the Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasa .
2 Or , as he puts it himself , in words that recall the Christian association of hypocrisy with the devil 's ‘ suggestion ’ or tempting :
3 The cloning of the CF gene enables the association of phenotype with a specific mutation .
4 The normal association of prose with the lower elements — no one could say in prose ‘ I am fre and air ; my other elements/I give to baser life ’ ( Antony and Cleopatra , V.ii.289f. ) — is revealed most amusingly in the case of Bottom .
5 Hudson 's ( 1972 ) work has also demonstrated the association of science with the masculine , the arts with the feminine , and his research will be discussed in Chapter 3 .
6 A key to this combination is the unique association of emotionality with a social intelligence which has developed along somewhat different lines in man .
7 The opening loomed before them , sliced into the bank , brushed relatively clean , a narrow , erect oblong of darkness with a rounded roof and pale , red and amber jambs rooted in deep green turf .
8 I was lucky to be given a great deal of freedom with the first draft .
9 My Lords , er , er , er no doubt that all of your Lordships have throughout the last hour and forty minutes felt a great deal of sympathy with the Noble Earl Lord
10 When we were talking just now before the programme started I think you said that you were n't sure that you 'd had a great deal of contact with the university one way or another , but surely you 've been surrounded by university people ?
11 ‘ However after a great deal of consultation with the Historical Monuments Commission and Planning Department , we decided to use it to face the new church , harmonising the old with the new .
12 In the first few years of marriage , before the decision to have a baby is made , reparative work is about intimate pairing and what was felt to have been betrayed in the first partnership of life with the main attachment figure .
13 Others wander slowly into the ring of light with a little more awareness .
14 However , the economic crisis in the wake of the collapse of trade with the former Soviet Union , leading to an estimated drop of 25-30 per cent in gross domestic product ( GDP ) in 1991 , had increased the urgency of attracting foreign capital .
15 This state of affairs follows the collapse of Mountain with a large level of debt an the receiver snapping at the door .
16 On the contrary , unions appear to have been more effective and even the loss of trade union membership may be a consequence of the inability of the unemployed trade unionists to pay their unions fees rather than due to a loss of sympathy with the unions .
17 Many date Mrs Thatcher 's real loss of credibility with the public to her own appearance on Yes , Minister ; fanciful perhaps , but in a semi-literate age who can tell what apparently innocent excursion will not produce serious results ?
18 Writeable control store is attractive in tailoring a computer for a particular application , but there are major problems , in potential loss of compatibility with the manufacturer 's standard software or even between problem programs ; this may be compounded by multi-programming , and errors in microprogramming ( particularly as the latter is usually more complicated than conventional programming ) .
19 Empty house , chagrin perhaps that he had n't heeded her theme , loss of face with the TV company , negligent children ?
20 Survival analysis showed similar improvements in otoscopic clearance and tympanometric change as a result of treatment with a ventilation tube alone or after adenoidectomy alone compared with no surgery .
21 The possibility that the inhibition of omeprazole induced hypergastrinaemia by SMS 201–995 is a result of interference with the antisecretory effect of omeprazole is unlikely .
22 Although delegalization in one area is justified by the search for a ‘ nicer ’ way out , judicialization of child-care hearings , with separate representation of the interests of the child , is the result of disillusion-ment with a process which does not provide traditional legal procedural safeguards .
23 An applicant seeking an interim injunction is normally required to give an undertaking to compensate the respondent for irreparable monetary loss suffered as a result of compliance with the injunction in case the respondent wins at the hearing and the injunction is not made permanent but is discharged .
24 Not only must the prosecuting authorities have notice of the proposed order but they must unequivocally agree not to make use , directly or indirectly , of material divulged as a result of compliance with the order .
25 The Serious Fraud Office ( SFO ) was set up under the 1987 Criminal Justice Act in response to a report by the Fraud Trials Committee formed in 1983 as a result of dissatisfaction with the ability of the City of London Fraud Squad to get convictions .
26 Leaving aside the particular case , Honderich 's statement illustrates the problem of trying to blend the study of logic with the history of ideas .
27 For students who wish to combine the study of Sociology with an interest in other subjects the department offers a sizeable array of joint degrees .
28 But despite this and the sickness of his family , William pressed on with his study of Bengali with a native teacher named Ram Basu .
29 Fromm connects the fear of abandonment with the frustration arising from a necessary dependence upon others .
30 Also considered are purely surface syntactic constraints , as in 54 ; it is noted that ‘ indefinite tu or vous can not be used in contexts where there is a definite ‘ you ’ immediately to the left , for fear of confusion with the latter ’ ( p. 289 ) :
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