Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] is that " in BNC.

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1 One important theoretical characteristic of logogens which has stimulated a great deal of experimentation is that they mediate priming effects in word recognition , i.e. the faster recognition of a word following previous recent exposure to that word .
2 The force of law is that it becomes part of common sense , and makes ‘ common sense ’ prescriptions about public order , theft and hard work .
3 The main reason for the closure of Redheugh is that ‘ it is in the wrong area with very few young people now coming from the local community , ’ said an Salvation Army statement .
4 Another result of training is that the different signals arriving at an element often have similar values , except that some are positive and some negative .
5 The new position as a result of Litster is that the purchaser can be liable for any dismissal in connection with a sale irrespective of whether the dismissals take place before , on or after completion .
6 The rationale of the overall programme of work is that it will have clear implications for policy and the prevention of problems associated with the consumption of addictive substances and clear implications also for the social sciences .
7 The tragedy of man is that he declares himself autonomous of God and in consequence is condemned to live East of Eden .
8 A further fear of industry is that the monies raised by carbon taxation will not be channelled into research or development of energy efficiency but will simply be used to line government coffers .
9 The problem with such a characterisation of pluralism is that it bears little resemblance to what pluralists actually say pluralism means , and consequently it is hardly surprising that even the most cursory of empirical investigations can show such a naive version of pluralism is untenable as a description of the distribution of power in Western liberal democracies .
10 The only small crumb of comfort is that , since May 1990 , tenants ( but not managers ) of national brewers ' pubs can buy guest cask ales free of the tie — but the nationals have been quick to dominate this new market niche by organising their own lists of ‘ guest beers ’ , many of them brewed by their own subsidiaries .
11 Mr Major 's sole crumb of comfort is that John Smith , the Labour leader , has yet to convince the British people that he and his party are viable alternatives .
12 Then Wyllie just kept thumping the ball downfield and soon time ran out on Musselburgh , whose only crumb of comfort is that their coach , Raymond Clark , who had planned to call it a day , is now likely to stay on next season .
13 The differentiating characteristic of a coin as opposed to a piece of bullion is that it is issued with a recognised value by a competent authority .
14 The normal reason for accepting a piece of advice is that it is likely to be sound advice .
15 One good piece of news is that the Ku Klux Klan has almost entirely disappeared — those robes are murder to swim in — but you can see the odd pointy hat poking out of the water here and there .
16 The second piece of news is that John Major is supporting a commission proposal for a European Official Secrets Act .
17 Erm , the , the other important thing I 'm going to give you , the information as , as Mike said , a lot of people , I 'm not sure of the percentages , do carry on using this particular barrier system , and the other important piece of information is that when you need to reorder something there 's an extraordinarily nice gentleman in your stationary stores called Mr. Cartwright , and he is the person that does all the ordering .
18 The first rule of sampling is that each member of the relevant population must have some chance of being included .
19 Another rule of thumb is that if the act is obliged to rest their microphone stand and amplifiers on beer crates instead of the stage , it will be a good evening .
20 The company 's price lists explain what features are supplied and what they erect — their general rule of thumb is that the kit and erection represents about a third of the total building costs , excluding land .
21 From a legal point of view , a useful rule of thumb is that the maximum of a dismissed executive 's legal claims is likely to be the total
22 The rule of thumb is that a model is a potential target if at least half of its base area if covered by the template .
23 The usual rule of thumb is that a model may be hit if half or more its base area is covered by the template , while a model whose base is only grazed is not hit .
24 The usual rule of thumb is that if at least half the model 's base is covered by the template then it is potentially hit , while if the model 's base area is just grazed the model is not affected .
25 A good rule of thumb is that a model may be considered a potential hit if at least half its base area lies under the template , while models whose bases are only touched or grazed can be ignored .
26 The rule of thumb is that , whenever you choose a next node , the one you choose has as large a value f(N) as possible .
27 Many more speakers and many more hours of speech are usually recorded than can ultimately be analysed ; a useful rule of thumb is that about ten hours will be needed to analyse each hour of recorded data .
28 We will postpone discussion of the extraclausals until Chapter 9 , but a reliable and well-justified rule of thumb is that extraclausals , unlike postverbals , are always equivalent , in their semantic effect , to otherwise similar constructions where the adjective appears in initial position .
29 how to distinguish a statistically significant coefficient , right , rule of thumb is that the T ratio has to be greater than two with absolute value right and the figures in square brackets next to the T ratios tell us the exact level of significance , right , er of that coefficient , right , so the incoming elasticity of demand is statistically significant from zero only at the eighty five percent level , a correspondence of fifteen percent significance that incoming the price elasticity demand , highly significant , right , significance level as given by the probabil by the probability er unit in square brackets , the timing level therefore we could be very highly confident about that coefficient okay .
30 Erm , the rule of evidence is that it is inherently unlikely that anybody would make a statement against their own interest unless it was true .
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