Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] [art] day " in BNC.

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1 As a result , cats spend a great deal of time every day dealing with their toilet , and in addition to the typical licking movements they perform repeated scratchings .
2 The nineteenth-century agricultural historian Youatt calculated that in the second half of the eighteenth century every Londoner purchased an average of half a pound of meat a day — more than twice as much as the average in Paris or Brussels .
3 ‘ What is two feet tall , gives a gallon of milk a day and moos ? ’
4 In this parched red rock desert , where you have to drink a gallon of water a day to prevent dehydration and heatstroke , a sight like this is pure euphoria .
5 I had had my head shaved for the sake of hygiene the day before I left England .
6 In the capital the police told employers to work their men to the point of exhaustion the day before the terms were to be made known in order to leave them too weary to protest .
7 about a pint of milk a day
8 She explained that she had been eating mote cheese and drinking an extra pint of milk a day to make sure she got enough protein during pregnancy and breast-feeding .
9 Question two : if you want to avoid heart attacks should you drink a pint of milk a day ?
10 Sometimes , if elderly relatives are living at a distance , it is not possible to be certain , in spite of advice from us , and help from neighbours with the shopping , that they are eating properly , but if they can only be persuaded to drink a pint of milk every day and eat some fresh citrus fruit , wholemeal bread , cheese or eggs , margarine or butter and a bowl of bran cereal , we shall know that they can not come to any serious harm from a dietary point of view , even though a much more varied diet would be more suitable .
11 Each man got a quart of b was allowed a quart of beer a day .
12 The Torquay shop apparently makes a new flavour of ice-cream every day of the year .
13 By sticking to a glass of juice a day , removing skin from the chicken , and having three pieces of fruit in the evening instead of all the snacks would bring the calories down to 2,300 .
14 In any case — and this is probably the least-quoted medical fact at parties — the lowest risk of heart disease occurs at about a glass of wine a day , so the average social drinker is well past any ‘ protective ’ effect of alcohol .
15 For instance , dietary care should be stepped up : drink a litre of water a day to clear your system ; snack on sunflower and pumpkin seeds , a rich source of essential fatty acids ; and increase your intake of raw vegetables and fruit .
16 Drink a litre of fluid a day
17 would n't do a lot of work , but the work he does yeah , I just want certain amount of money a day say ten per cent of , yes
18 Barker grew very quickly , and had to work off a tremendous amount of energy every day , and since Danny was much too young to take him out for walks , this duty fell upon Connor .
19 Desperation and greed kept them going , so against the odds , they would achieve the prerequisite £4,000 or so worth of business a day , as well as somehow retaining much of their clientele , and in some mysterious way expanding it .
20 I will pay you in whatever goods you request , at the rate of half a deben of silver a day .
21 He said , like coming to this well for your jug of water every day it 's alright while i , the jug , there 's some in the jug , but when you 've drunk it all the jug 's empty and it does n't do a thing for you !
22 The contractors would n't be interviewed but said they check the standard of food every day and they are n't aware of any dissatisfaction amongst the kitchen staff .
23 At one time , the average person could harvest around a sackful of wheat a day .
24 A bottle of whisky a day would definitely come on the wish list , said Edwards .
25 Half a bottle of wine a day — it 's not enough but it 's something .
26 By the time I had joined the BBC in 1969 I was three stone overweight , I drank a bottle of scotch a day and thought muesli and high fibre were feed for cattle .
27 They do n't need a bottle of Scotch a day and new silk scarves every week . ’
28 These brave men and women face the threat of terrorism every day of the year .
29 That 's like getting half a bag of sugar a day to live on .
30 Otherwise , rationing restricts Romanians to one kilo of meat a month and half a loaf of bread a day .
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