Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It aims to finance a minimum level of services , to equalize taxable resources between different local authorities , and to relieve the domestic ratepayer of part of the local tax burden .
2 Why should the export of capital from the UK after 1979 have been expected ?
3 This results in an export of capital from the UK of K1-K2 , corresponding to the capital stock increase in Germany of K3-K4 .
4 The squalor remained through the troubles of the Civil Wars until a new prosperity was built on the growing export of corn in the later seventeenth century .
5 Production from the field will mark the first export of gas from the UK .
6 The immediate cause of this switch was a ban on the export of walnut from the Savoie region of France — the principal source of the wood for the English industry — by the French government in 1720 .
7 The authority of musicians as such was undermined ; political interest moved from the reorganization of production to the disruption of consumption .
8 If , as is very likely , experiments finally prove the ‘ scientific ’ feasibility of fusion in the next few years , there will be plenty of interest in the topic .
9 Since the development of neurophysiology , the search for localisation of function within the brain has been intense .
10 The correct placement of the intracerebroventricular injection was confirmed by injection of dye at the same coordinates after completion of study and subsequent localisation of dye in the ventricle on brain sectioning .
11 Despite considerable individual differences in the localisation of language in the brain ( Brown , 1979 ; Ojemann , 1979 ; Gur and Reivich , 1980 ) the preeminent role of the left hemisphere in the majority of adults is not in doubt .
12 Another point worth noting , though perhaps less decisive , is the close association of Abdulkerim with the Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasa .
13 Or , as he puts it himself , in words that recall the Christian association of hypocrisy with the devil 's ‘ suggestion ’ or tempting :
14 This initial stage was taken one step further in 1987 when the Association of Health for the People began working in the community and provided an analysis of the main problems that needed to be addressed , and suggested some solutions — all of which depended upon good communication between the local inhabitants .
15 The normal association of prose with the lower elements — no one could say in prose ‘ I am fre and air ; my other elements/I give to baser life ’ ( Antony and Cleopatra , V.ii.289f. ) — is revealed most amusingly in the case of Bottom .
16 Hudson 's ( 1972 ) work has also demonstrated the association of science with the masculine , the arts with the feminine , and his research will be discussed in Chapter 3 .
17 The main criteria here are numbers of species in the assemblage ( taxonomic richness ) , evenness of spread of the species ( equitability ) , and the converse , the degree of dominance of the most common species .
18 Perhaps most important was the lateness of development of the absolutist state .
19 And that was exactly my remedy for him earlier this year when , face down on a bench in Augusta 's locker-room , Olazabal shielded the grief of failure in the US Masters .
20 Soon he would smell the first sour tang of winter on the sea breezes .
21 Hari took a deep breath and tasted the tang of salt in the air , soon it would be summer but she would be facing it alone .
22 The only natural light came from an extremely tiny oblong of glass in the roof , but this was so filmy , and so splattered with accumulated bird lime , that it let in the flimsiest of light .
23 ‘ The only natural light came from an extremely tiny oblong of glass in the roof , but this was so filthy , and so splattered with accumulated bird lime , that it let in the flimsiest of light .
24 The Bull Ring Archive was founded in 1989 to complete a unique and compelling chronology of life in The Bull Ring .
25 A long experience of management problems with a child , for instance , increased the chance that a crisis such as the child 's arrest for a criminal offence would provoke an episode of depression in the mother .
26 We excluded patients if ( i ) they had had an episode of pneumonia within the past 6 months , ( ii ) they lived in a nursing home or had been admitted to another hospital within the past 2 weeks , and ( iii ) there was subsequent clinical or laboratory evidence of a different diagnosis .
27 The state stands for , in an abstract sense , the final repository of agreement of the people to be ruled , and therefore an ultimate legitimation , backed up in the last instance , by the state 's claim to the monopoly of legitimate use of force .
28 Clearly , the hearer is left with a great deal of responsibility in the interpretation process .
29 I 'm afraid that when I dropped out of sight it created a great deal of concern in the village .
30 I object er er yes I would like to , I would like to er second the resolutions , this , there is er , there is er a certainly a great deal of concern within the community both those er who live within reach of , of , of , of car boot sale erm er sites in particular the ones that are regular and also the people who attend them and get ripped off , that we need to do something about er bringing er the er , er at to add , add to law into range of , of the people who of , of people who er er of of people who er sell er of people who sell those goods at these at these functions .
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