Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] [unc] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , results of at least one analysis of these statistics suggests that this association of father 's occupation with early childhood mortality may be attributed to the fact that his occupation is an indicator of household economic circumstances .
2 An even harder-hitting report from the National Association of Citizen 's Advice Bureaux claimed that for every council house in the country there are ten people on the waiting lists .
3 Both Age Concern and the National Association of Citizen 's Advice Bureaux ( NACAB ) were writing to the Government to register disappointment .
4 Recognition of the way in which this rhetoric drew upon previous discourses and defined the nature of authority relationships provides a more secure interpretation of the chronology of chartism 's rise and subsequent demise than can accounts describing it as merely an expression of acute social and economic deprivation .
5 The two parties walk in opposite directions and exchange car keys as they pass midway or , better still , at a rendezvous at the conspicuous landmark of Lady 's Pillar .
6 There is a great deal of man 's inhumanity to man as evinced in the use of torture on political prisoners or the application of apartheid to other races .
7 So the bulk of life 's history is undocumented in the rocks .
8 A decision taken at an emergency session of the Arab League Council , meeting in the Egyptian capital , Cairo , on Sept. 10 , to transfer the bulk of organization 's departments and affiliated apparatus from Tunis to Cairo by Oct. 31 , provoked a sharp reaction from some members countries not in attendance .
9 Cases of the latter type , where the adjective is used only to aid identification and does not actually apply to the entity of the phrase , closely resemble the great bulk of noun + noun phrases in their structural value , examples such as : ( 11 ) army manoeuvres the piano factory a sea monster an angle bracket However , even among noun + noun phrases , certain specimens occur which are clearly analogous to the former type ; as in : ( 12 ) a doctor journalist ( or doctor-journalist ) Chancellor Kohl a bed-settee These would permit an affirmative answer to our diagnostic test , although normally it is necessary to allow a little leeway in the shape of an added determiner to allow for this requirement of English : ( 13 ) Maurice is a journalist and he is also a doctor 2.3 It would be useful to have names for the two types of adjectival use , and there are fortunately two terms available which fall in the right semantic area and which have not been pre-empted for any other widely accepted technical linguistic purpose .
10 As one read passages such as these one must acknowledge the force of Merleau-Ponty 's statement that ‘ one does not become revolutionary through science but through indignation ’ .
11 The words had the ring of preacher 's rhetoric .
12 The second need is to be equally well prepared in six areas of management — the curriculum , the social organization of the school , the efficiency of assessment and the efficient feedback of assessment 's findings , staff dispositions and changes , financial priorities and the triple task of giving account to governors , parents and the local authority .
13 Chimes of Freedom , who came out a short-head in front when the pair met over course and distance in July , should emphasise her superiority judged on a recent defeat of Pharaoh 's Delight at The Curragh .
14 This dual meaning of female subjects emerges most strongly when psychology tries to explain areas of intense social concern like the family , mental health , and sexuality , where the adequacy of psychology 's concept of the subject comes under particular scrutiny .
15 So far appreciation of other 's work had been his gift to us .
16 Wilkinson 's appreciation of Palace 's Eaglets indicates the difficulty of the job for Leeds at Selhurst Park .
17 After the collapse of Law 's schemes his vast unified company was divided into its component parts again , but it still took some years for the French to recover in India .
18 Beaverbrook , indeed , who knew Law very well but was also addicted to dramatic interpretations , believed that the collapse of Law 's health stemmed partly from this destruction of his position as undisputed captain , maybe of ‘ the second eleven ’ in Churchill 's phrase , but at least of a team of like-minded , straightforward and loyal men .
19 In this situation , the rapid incorporation of Labour 's War Aims into what looked like an Allied propaganda offensive posed complex questions both for the Labour leadership and for the peace movement .
20 A victim of the ‘ smouldering ’ that closes stations daily ( between October 1 and November 12 this year , ‘ smouldering ’ -a fire or smoke alert on the Underground- caused the closure of King 's Cross on no less than 14 occasions .
21 ‘ I did n't find you — Roman did , ’ she said simply , seeing Dana 's colour fade at the mention of Roman 's name .
22 As Britain 's biggest book printer , his eyes light up at the mention of Labour 's proposals for an extra £10 per primary school child for books .
23 Perhaps another reason is that the book may be seen as another step in the loss of accounting 's innocence .
24 The book may be seen as another step in the loss of accounting 's innocence
25 What has not been adequately appreciated , however , is that a whole constellation of social forces — high infant mortality rates , loss of mother 's income , the fluctuating utility of child labour — could equally well encourage fertility control .
26 Labour was further incensed because Balfour 's and the Cabinet majority 's crowning blow to Long 's hopes had been to ensure that the Act operated for only three years , the result of government 's unwillingness to accept permanent responsibility for the relief of unemployment .
27 Contingency theory has not remained entirely deterministic , mainly as a result of Child 's insistence on the significance of ‘ strategic choice ’ .
28 But , assuming we do incorporate such considerations , the tendency is to interpret such mobility as again largely the result of capital 's needs , with workers being uprooted simply to increase their monetary rewards , and capital benefiting as a result .
29 Both the mule and its much less common reciprocal , the hinny ( by a stallion out of a she-ass ) , are the result of man 's observations and interference .
30 We see God 's good creation progressively soured as a result of man 's sin in overreaching himself in trying to become like God .
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