Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The homicides and postmortems in the book permit the new religion of science to exercise its power : but they also occasion the necrophile broodings which exude from Dyer .
2 Says singer Michael Stipe : ‘ The very weird religion of celebrity scares me .
3 Thinking of badness gave her one of her ideas .
4 Thinking of Bonanza got me on trying to figure his reaction if Vecchi got hooked for the Mahoney killing .
5 Robyn tipped back her head and allowed the sharp , cool tang of champagne to enter her mouth .
6 It will take a great deal of money to do it properly and I 'm only interested in doing it if I have the support to give me a chance of winning .
7 For example , a reduction in the cost of grinding and polishing plate glass was made possible by the float process , but it took a long time and a great deal of money to make it work .
8 When they meet one another , they gingerly caress each other 's long legs and only after a great deal of hesitation do they come to closer quarters .
9 Like their aquatic counterparts they have to take in a great deal of substance to supply their energy needs .
10 We had a good deal of fun doing it . ’
11 Certainly as far as Western Europe is concerned there is a good deal of evidence to support them .
12 Tele-Communications Inc , Denver , is going to need a great deal of cash to finance its ambitious fibre optic installation programme ( CI No 2,147 ) , and the company has filed a shelf registration with the US Securities & Exchange Commission for up to $3,000m of debt securities , class A common stock warrants and class A common shares .
13 As well as the effects on trade union activity , a further implication of cross-national bargaining structures which has received a good deal of attention concerns their economic consequences .
14 We spent a great deal of time familiarizing ourselves with the music by playing it at subscription concerts and youth concerts .
15 Another example is Beatrix Potter , who has recently undergone a great deal of research to establish which are truly ‘ firsts ’ and which are only reprints without any indication of the fact .
16 It started with a piece of foolishness that could have got me into a deal of trouble had I not have had a wise check in time from the inspector .
17 But you understand that someone went to a deal of trouble to sharpen it , well in advance , and so must have planned the murder .
18 One particular candidate responding to the survey went to a great deal of trouble to commit his decidedly anti-headhunting views to paper .
19 While new organizations may possess a strong commitment to a new policy , and may have powers that enable it to bring together the resources for its implementation that were not possessed by any single previous organization , it still has to relate to a world in which other agencies have a great deal of power to influence its success .
20 ‘ I myself was much too young to question it at the time , but I found out later that there was a good deal of mystery surrounding his death . ’
21 Moreover , the ambiguous meaning of ‘ caring ’ , especially the unarticulated elision of ‘ caring for ’ with ‘ caring about ’ , adds important emotional overtones to these tasks : ‘ the dominant cultural perception of caring sees it as involving essentially female qualities ’ ( Baldwin and Twigg , 1991 , p. 123 ) .
22 McMillan was an extremely hard worker but a certain fluidity in his perception of time made him sometimes an unpredictable colleague .
23 Where the late Victorian perception of youth emphasized their social identity — religion , leisure , discipline , character — the Edwardian perception , while accepting the significance of the social ( and elaborating upon it ) , in addition gave working-class youth an economic identity which was important in itself , and as a conditioning factor in the development of the citizen .
24 By the 1870s there were many who disbelieved and who yet ‘ retained the nobler attributes of humanity ’ ; but if the bulk of humanity lost its faith then it would be hardly possible to imagine ‘ civilised and well-ordered communities ’ surviving .
25 Force of habit compelled her to stop and straighten the quilt .
26 My only desire was to keep these hideous creatures at bay whilst I desperately looked for a gap in the ring of steel surrounding me .
27 A fine sheen of sweat glazed his heavy , quivering jowls .
28 Much of the time , this does not matter , because the speed of cutting does nothing to obscure the storyline of the commercial , but occasionally it can lead to total confusion .
29 The way she smiled as she exhaled a first lungful of smoke suggested she fully intended her remark to be ambiguous .
30 I remember one night he come here and ooh it was a hard hard frost and he was and he slept in the barn , and he went in and he wanted a dram of water to have his drink through the night , and it was hard hard frost , and the water trough for the horses was down here , of course it when he
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