Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [pron] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The Selby approach seems to me to be er look at the land that is allocated which amounts to approximately a hundred hectares in the district and discount a great deal of it because it 's constrained in some way or another , and I 'll come back to those constraints later .
2 and I felt the side of it and it 's just warm and I thought oh he , he must getting
3 Fergus had been so intensely aware of every separate part of her that it had been a pain and a torment .
4 His expression had n't changed , but suddenly she saw an underlying loss and sadness , so much a part of him that it was easy to miss — but once seen , not easy to overlook again .
5 It was a sound they knew , one often heard at night from within the dark walls of the cottages in the village , but out here it was around them and with them and part of them and it had an eerie quality as though inside the vixen some diabolic spirit was entrapped , a demon screeching its despair .
6 ‘ That is one part of it but it can be very depressing if you lose out , like in December . ’
7 You or any member of your party may cancel you booking , or part of it once it has been confirmed , but the instructions will only be valid if in writing and signed by the person who signed the Booking Form .
8 Explain what 's in your mind and ask whether they 'd be interested in helping start it or being a part of it when it gets going .
9 somewhere in Mexico , the central part of it where it 's still falling to bits and
10 However , with all these reservations and qualifications noted there is a city called Tyneside and in 1989 North Shields is part of it as it always has been and Cramlington is as it has been since the early 1970s .
11 We are in it and part of it and it is all around us .
12 Three so she 'd say , Oh you know mind I 've cut it up a bit do you you should n't it 's still a quarter still a quarter you have n't lost a bit of it but it 's still a quarter three twelfths is the same as a quarter .
13 However , as is generally the case with most benefits hard won from the state , once implemented the recipients unite in defence of it when it appears to be under threat .
14 Scepticism is the familiar name given to the appropriateness of doubting the reliability of something until it is proved beyond shadow of doubt .
15 With trepidation I took a stronger hold of it and it came away altogether but with a sharp dagger of soreness , like digging out a splinter .
16 Erm the third one is we 've got a small amount of money out of , think again it 's out of TEED and , but it 's N Y T E C have got hold of it and it 's to do with further development of the Careers Service Tech Partnership , but it 's only a few thousand , it 's a very small n amount compared , I mean the bid that we 've put in for this Standards and Indicators is more like sort of thirty thousand .
17 I needed to fly dead into wind approaching the pilot , but keeping him on my right , and I 'd drop the dinghy slightly upwind of him so it would blow downwind to him .
18 Yeah well I 'm , I 'm gon na try and get the final year lecture for Tuesday sorted actually on Saturday and erm it 's usually , it 's usually Guy but I think I 'm doing it this week , yeah , because I 've got quite a few to do on things like racist in the media and Guy 's mate Dennis has just written a book and he 's given me a manuscript of it and it 's about how racist psychology is which is
19 You 'd have to admire the elegance of it if it were n't such an outrage .
20 I believe that er we did n't er consider going to look at the development because it was quite clearly in the minds of a large percentage of us that it was contrary to the town plan and so we did not think it was necessary to do that .
21 So I would prefer to let you be the judge of it as it stands today .
22 And Wright , whose misery over the weekend was compounded when he wasted a glorious chance to rescue a point for Arsenal , added : ‘ Some people are just having a go at me for the sake of it and it 's beginning to get to me . ’
23 ‘ Document A. That the man , who was belligerent on several occasions at first , threatening the social worker called in by the Visitor , said it was no business of theirs as it was a family matter and that the girl 's father , his own brother , had given his consent , and what more could you want , and there was no higher authority than that , and no wonder there was so much crime on the streets if the government took away the father 's power , and why did n't they do something about crime on the streets instead of invading people 's homes .
24 Second point : although you obviously have such a low opinion of me that it does n't strain your credulity to believe that I was making love to two women at once , one of them married , I ca n't believe that even you could see me in the role of toy-boy .
25 Poor Maxine had such a low opinion of herself that it was going to be necessary to build up her confidence in general , so that she would then be able to play a part in her own treatment .
26 Bringing her mind back to the keys she suggested having a photograph taken so that there would be a record of them if it was ever needed .
27 It had n't been much of a job after all ; he had thought at first from the sound of it that it might mean travel , but it did n't .
28 There will probably be times , when you are at school , that they will be in charge of him so it 's very important they should enjoy this part of his education and development , too .
29 He went into motor racing for the fun of it and it seems unlikely that he ever took it as seriously as others thought it should be taken .
30 There 's a follow-up series on a Sunday evening now called king of something , king of ca n't think of the name , ca n't remember the name of it but it starts this Sunday evening at nine o'clock
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