Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [art] year the " in BNC.

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1 In the dark of the year the little penguin gazed at the wild lights of Aurora 's Dancers whirling above her .
2 In the arid part of the year the parties are smaller , they travel faster , and they congregate primarily at patches where food is locally abundant .
3 Jordan In the latter part of the year the project activities were overshadowed by events in the Gulf .
4 In the early part of the year the Bank was honoured as the winner of the category for Outstanding support of the Arts in the Scottish Awards for Business Sponsorship of the Arts .
5 In the course of a year the Sun passes through the 12 constellations of the Zodiac .
6 And the real ale enthusiasts chose The Tap and Barrel in Middlesbrough as their 1990–1 Pub of the Year the eight season that the supporters ' association has presented such an award .
7 I ca n't remember when I have n't had to work on Christmas Day became the animals have never got round to recognizing it as a holiday ; but with the passage of the years the vague resentment I used to feel has been replaced by philosophical acceptance .
8 In the second half of the year the major Japanese banks were already concentrating more effort in Singapore following a downturn in lending to China and a simultaneous rise in business with the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) .
9 During the rest of the year the nearest bus pick up point is Troutbeck Bridge where the minor road leading from Troutbeck village joins the main A591 .
10 At the beginning of the year the government forecast that the rate of inflation for 1988 would be only 32 per cent .
11 Susan Barber took over from Catherine Stark at the beginning of the year the task of laying out the Magazine pages including the graphics and illustrations .
12 At the beginning of the year the Treasury set out the basis upon which departments were to roll forward and revise the last round of spending plans .
13 In other words , at the beginning of the year the individual would
14 Since the start of August the UDA/UFF has stepped up its campaign , killing four people within four short weeks and since the start of the year the UVF have killed seven — two fewer than in the same period last year .
15 The centre was opened in October 1984 and was named European Shopping Centre of the Year the following year .
16 At the turn of the year the Fed further nudged down interest rates to encourage the banks ' customers to borrow more .
17 Some years ago the teachers of one language pronounced themselves satisfied that at the end of a year the students of it had the capacity for literary reading ; the equally competent and concerned teachers of another language were convinced that their students had achieved no such capacity , and that the process was rather a waste of time .
18 Yet by the end of the year the fuel supply was still critical .
19 But by the end of the year the ‘ green bill ’ had been quietly dropped and the environmental ‘ network ’ had vanished into a general belief in the need for good , informal relations with Friends of the Earth and other environmental organizations .
20 At the same time , interest rates were reduced , the supply of money was relaxed , and the National Bank forecast that by the end of the year the annual rate of inflation would be down to 55 per cent .
21 In the following year , as already noted , the cost of living rose by 120 per cent ( average for the year ) , and by the end of the year the rate of increase for the previous twelve months had reached 170 per cent .
22 At the end of the year the Board agreed with the Chief Executive , Mr Philip Court , that he could take early retirement , and this took effect from the end of January 1990 .
23 By the end of the year the country had become a republic and the king was on trial for his life ; the Girondins were losing their command of the situation , and some critics have seen Wordsworth 's departure from the scene at this point as evidence that he foresaw their fall from power ( which took place in the summer of 1793 ) .
24 By the end of the year the UDC , which in the summer had fully backed Leeds and urged its local branches to support the establishment of Workers ' and Soldiers Councils , had come round to full support for the Labour Party .
25 By the end of the year the Stockholm Convention had been signed , with the launch of the European Free Trade Association being set for May 1960 .
26 By the end of the year the government was forced to change the situation and announced it would produce a range of standard emergency furniture for bombed persons .
27 A new national insurance system , to provide health insurance , old age pensions and family allowances was also introduced in 1946 , and at the end of the year the Monnet Plan for reconstruction and modernisation was finalised .
28 At the end of the year the Bank received the prime accolade as having the Best Corporate Arts Programme in Great Britain .
29 By the end of the year the various parties had still not managed to organise a first-stage meeting , of Egyptian , Israeli and US officials , which was supposed to discuss a second-stage Israeli-Palestinian meeting on the proposed elections .
30 By the end of the year the government planned for 4,500 industrial enterprises , valued at a total of kcs3,500,000 million , to be available to domestic or foreign purchasers .
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