Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the time , Bethnal Green was a relatively compact borough of about 50,000 people concentrated within a very small area ( about 2 square miles ) , with no major roads running through it .
2 And that 's the simultaneous import and export of essentially similar products .
3 Platelet structure and its relationship to platelet function has been given tremendous impetus , through the application of electromicroscopy to the study of platelet anatomy and the development of techniques for isolation of physiologically active platelets and their preservation for ultrastructural study .
4 The alleged vision had spoiled the banquet , depressed the King for weeks afterwards , before his natural good humour and boisterous spirits dismissed it as a phantasm of too much drink .
5 Miss Margaret Medlow ( now Mrs Johnston ) retired from the Superintendency of the Primary Sunday School , thus ending an association of over 50 years with the Sunday Schools .
6 The Community is an association of mainly small economies , exceptionally open to trade with each other .
7 She grimaced to herself while thinking of how that fellow irritated her .
8 Froebe had at first been surprised , thinking of how many people would kill to get a posting to the tropics .
9 Finch finished the movement and then came back to the other room , thinking of how much time he had spent with Henry and Betty over the years .
10 In other words , when asked systematically about it , many perfectly normal people freely admit to having had mild ‘ symptoms ’ reminiscent of schizophrenia , such as hallucinatory experiences and other sensory illusions , inexplicable mood change , feelings of unreality , strong ‘ telepathic ’ thoughts bordering on the sense of being influenced from a distance , and distorted thinking of almost delusional quality .
11 Well , it helps if you miss the fairways as far from the tee as Calcavecchia does — he finished 12th on Tour in driving distance with an average poke of almost 273 yards .
12 A year ago Nicky , Rob 's girlfriend of about eight months convinced him to go back to the ice pack that nearly killed him .
13 Then there was an episode of nearly four years of Conservative government .
14 ‘ A first episode of bleeding several weeks ago led to a thyroid function test , and we found that to be a little low , so that 's now being treated medicinally .
15 Only a simple white card of very precise dimensions is allowed — and even then , only to advertise the kennel 's name and address .
16 However , original or commercial sin keeps breaking in and there is undoubtedly a great deal of badly seasoned wood on the market .
17 Unburdening herself to her sister-in-law proved strangely cathartic , Virginia thought , as she haltingly finished a pared-down version of recent events , leaving out Mortimer , and a great deal of strictly private information besides .
18 the speaker typically uses a good deal of rather generalised vocabulary : a lot of , got , do , thing , nice , stuff , place and things like that .
19 The census of population , the monthly and annual digests of statistics and the annual statistical reports of the various ministries and other national bodies ( such as the Prison Commissioners ) and local authorities produce a great deal of extremely valuable data for the sociologist to work on .
20 A great deal of very useful research can be carried out wholly from documentary sources of one kind or another , but often social researchers find themselves in a position where they want to investigate social behaviour on which there is very little published research or perhaps what research has been published is not relevant enough to their own particular areas of interest .
21 So , we had curious clothes , an odd mix of formal chorus movement , and roistering rabble , some splendid narration which brought welcome stability to proceedings , and a great deal of very pleasant singing .
22 The war against the Japanese was still in progress and although considerable advance had been made , there was a great deal of very difficult terrain to be covered and the prospect of arranging an invasion of the Japanese islands was horrendous .
23 ( Nor , it may be added , was it only in the nineteenth century that this stratagem was adopted : it has figured in a good deal of more recent writing as well .
24 Over the past few years I have read a great deal of specifically Christian literature in the field of economics and I have been impressed by one thing : while much has been said about the immorality of the modern corporation and the injustice of the structures of international trade and while a little has been said , especially in North America , about the role of government and the need for proper control of money and credit , very little has been written about trade unions .
25 The music consists largely of madrigals , though there is a good deal of purely chordal writing ; the solos by Caccini , Cavalieri , and Peri have a great deal of coloratura , as in this ‘ Ecco con due risposte ’ by Peri in the fifth intermedio :
26 There is also a great deal of quite justified apprehension over what is in store in the coming months .
27 The first review is to take place in August 1993 which implies a tariff of about 11 years .
28 His first review date therefore implies a tariff of about 15 years .
29 The first review is to take place in Arpil 1995 which implies a tariff of about 12 years .
30 It is hoped that , in this way , it will be possible to gain some perception of how young people view the youth service .
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