Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [adj] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 News has recently been leaked of Britain 's biggest ever arms deal — possibly the biggest export deal of any kind the country has ever had .
2 For the bulk of this century a favoured organism for geneticists to study , because of the ease with which it can be maintained , its rapid breeding cycle and the possibility of studying populations of many thousands , has been the tiny fruit fly ( sometimes called vinegar fly ) , Drosophila melanogaster , which gathers like specks of coaldust , seemingly magnetically attracted to over-ripe fruit .
3 In an effort to tighten up the administration of poor relief the Local Government Board issued a circular in 1871 to the effect that outdoor relief should not be granted to the able-bodied widow with one child .
4 In the administration of criminal justice the principle of independence from the wishes of government is of supreme importance .
5 The earlier the administration of thrombolytic therapy the greater the frequency of early reperfusion and the greatest potential for the salvage of myocardium .
6 By observing their speed of apparent movement the traveller can calculate their distance from the train . ’
7 A decree published by the High Committee of State ( HCE ) on Aug. 15 gave the authorities additional powers to order the suspension or closure of any enterprise the activities of which " endanger public order , public security , the normal functioning of institutions or the higher interests of the country " .
8 But again the result of that system the main difference with that would be you know if they had different erm partners , whereas other one partner .
9 If as a result of that provision the trustees or the majority of them are deemed , in relation to the trust , not to be resident in the United Kingdom , the provision goes on further to provide that the general administration of the trust shall be treated as ordinarily carried on outside the United Kingdom .
10 Thus instead of writing If the Seller shall have given the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection , and the Buyer shall fail to collect them within seven days from service of such notice , the Seller shall be entitled to make arrangements for the storage of the goods and the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred as a result of such storage the drafter could write If after the Seller has given the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection , the Buyer fails to collect the goods within seven days , the Seller may make arrangements for the storage of the goods and the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred as a result of such storage .
11 As a result of this work the Coordinating Committee for Under Fives ( CCUF ) , an umbrella organisation of statutory and voluntary sector groups and individuals providing a service to under fives , decided to organise a conference to look at the issues of integration of special needs children within mainstream provision .
12 As a result of this development the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher is sometimes unavailable at times when it is most needed , i.e .
13 As a result of this case the UK is now obliged to change its legislation because Community law takes precedence over conflicting national law .
14 and as a result of this petition the public and association .
15 As a result of this report the caretaker was informed that if he did not mend his ways he would be discharged .
16 As a result of this action the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Liaison Project was established .
17 As a result of this intrusion the Nganasans were pushed farther north into the tundra , and a lasting enmity between them and the Dolgans was created .
18 As a result of this policy the Arab states as a whole had lost about US$25,000 million since 1987 through falling oil prices .
19 In the driver 's seat of this car a member of the public found the body of a man , in his 40s .
20 Possibly inspired by Hilbert 's ( 1899 ) full axiomatisation of Euclidean geometry the 20th Century began with many attempts to find independent sets of axioms for fields and for groups , the main worker being E V Huntington around 1902–5 .
21 Warning that without it and a massive programme of private investment the reform movement could fail , he cautioned that " there will be no second try " .
22 Herbert Gans in his study of American suburbia The Levittowners reports that boredom and loneliness affect women more than men , because of the women 's housebound role .
23 None the less James could also acknowledge that " There is no teacher of English in our universities more desirous and more able to make the study of English literature a living power than Dr. Leavis . "
24 Since he was practising alternative medicine under the guise of orthodox medicine the committee believed that he had misled his patients and that this amounted to professional misconduct .
25 As a result of the impact of research of this kind a further third strand could be detected which devolved upon the investigation of earth hazards and of physical geography from a socioeconomic-viewpoint .
26 Due to the brevity of this period a neurone can send action potentials at a rate of up to 1000 per second .
27 It was a magnificent piece of destructive batting the sort of innings that lightens the heart . ’
28 Sir Richard condemned cigarette advertising and said the only piece of anti-smoking law the tobacco companies had ever supported , was the one banning sales to children .
29 ‘ My view outlined in our company literature is that a lift is an integral part of the design and structure of a building a piece of kinetic architecture the result of creative dialogue . ’
30 And on a car of this class the steering column ought to adjust for rake as well as reach .
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