Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [adj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 In December 1987 , Smiths Ship Repair had a work force of 700 compared with 1300 at nationalization .
2 In the first series of experiments , a bolus of saline labelled with 9 9 m Tc DTPA was instilled 20 cm proximal to the ICJ and transit was assessed three hours later by the geometric centre of the spread of isotope .
3 In the House of Representatives , controlled by the Democratic Party since 1956 , the party won 259 seats , a net loss of eight compared with the 1990 result .
4 Recall that among the possible reasons for a loss of conditioned responding with a change of context was the generalization decrement that might be expected when the event designated by the experimenter as the CS is presented in a different context .
5 Fresh troops arriving in the spring of 1928 clashed with the Chinese , and continuing Japanese occupation of the Jinan area aroused international protest .
6 Indeed , the statute of 1324 coincided with an earlier seizure of alien priories by Edward II and may itself have been intended to palliate that action .
7 In the Allenstein-Marienwerder district , just south of Danzig , there was a massive vote of 460,000 to remain with Germany and only 16,000 to move under Polish administration .
8 Those who now complain that these approvals were given too quickly overlook the sense of crisis which the spread of AIDS has engendered over the past decade , not to mention the eagerness of all concerned to match the pathos of those infected with HIV with anything that might be an effective medicine .
9 Thus this topic may also be treated as part of that dealing with attitudes and identities .
10 They have found that molecules of oxygen ( 02 ) split up at different rates according to whether the molecule contains two atoms of oxygen-16 or one atom of oxygen-16 combined with another of the rarer oxygen-17 or oxygen-18 isotopes .
11 Let's have a bit of fun to finish with … and believe it or not another good night for the Irish … this one was at Cheltenham Town Hall in the wrestling ring
12 I do n't know whether I 'm on my head or my feet with him , and it 's kind of hard to cope with . ’
13 Its impact has been greatest in personal injuries litigation and matrimonial proceedings and in the defence of those charged with serious criminal offences .
14 By carefully examining Figure 4.6 you can see that on the African Plate the relationship is , in fact , the opposite of that predicted with several hot spots located in areas of low lithospheric vulnerability .
15 Note that the effect on sodium nitroprusside was the opposite of that found with the NO synthase inhibitors and its administration greatly reduced the response of the gall bladder to CCK-8 .
16 The smell of floorpolish mingles with that of incense , Mary Magdalene wiping Christ 's arse with her hair .
17 Lastly , the power vested in the Secretary of State under section 14(4) of the Act of 1988 to dispense with the nationality requirement in the case of one ( or more ) individuals in view of the length of time he has ( or they have ) resided in the United Kingdom and been involved in the fishing industry there , is not such as to make the nationality requirements compatible with the E.E.C .
18 A lady of 74 presented with unstable angina and intractable pain , despite intravenous nitrates and maximal anti-anginal therapy , but without ECG or enzyme evidence of infarction .
19 It may be at a , at a truly rational level we can all perfectly well do all kinds of other things rationally on a truly rational level , because there we have this this er high degree of that comes with rationality , but at a deeper , kind of gut level , the emotional feelings we , we find that it 's , it 's much more difficult , and at that point if you do n't try and change things and do things that are unnatural , you find you 're kind of going against the emotional grain and er perhaps some people find it easier than others , but perhaps everybody will feel a certain erm tug as it were , certain erm discomfort or a certain emotional alienation from themselves which er perhaps is because we 're trying to do something more basic we just were n't designed for .
20 Tobacco released to the market was down 11.3 percent in the first half of 1991 compared with the same period of 1990 and 17.7 percent down compared with the second half of 1990 .
21 Thailand increased its rubber exports by 31 per cent in the first half of 1985 compared with the same period the year before — yet its rubber revenues fell by eight per cent1 .
22 The percentage of people aged 65 and over living alone has increased from 10 per cent in 1945 to 36 per cent in 1985 , while the percentage of those living with others has decreased from 60 per cent to 20 per cent over the same period .
23 It is usually based on the percentage of those graduating with ‘ good ’ degrees , ie those who obtain first or upper second class degrees .
24 There seemed to be nobody to teach , and the quiet , firm lay organizers of the parish were not about to allow a girl of twenty-four to interfere with the way things were done .
25 What you actually do is you pay off the loan gradually over that peri period of twenty years , so you get from that point to that point and it 's , it 's sort of level to start with , you 're paying mainly interest off and not much capital , so when you get a statement from the building society , you still seem to owe virtually the same that you started with .
26 We gave her a score of 100 to start with , and deducted 10 per cent of her running total each time we found a word spelt rong .
27 Generally the provisions affecting settled property properly so-called — where the property is held by trustees for administration in accordance with the terms of a deed of settlement — are framed round the conception of the trust beneficiary as the transferor of the property involved in any transfer of value which takes place in consequence of any dealing with the property by way of advances out of the capital or disposal of his beneficial interest or termination of that interest by surrender or on death .
28 To take the Liberals first , it had been a commonplace of political analysis over previous years to regard the Liberal vote as largely a product of temporary disillusion with the Tories following on periods of Tory government , as a protest vote .
29 It is an atavistic reaction , born partly of disappointment that decades of believing that infectious diseases are a danger past and partly from the underlying despair of those infected with HIV and the anger of the groups that represent them .
30 In the total sample of those working with deaf people described in Kyle , Woll and Llewellyn-Jones ( 1981 ) only 23 per cent were native users of sign language ( i.e. had deaf parents ) .
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