Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And when a ratepayer challenged a local authority 's conduct of its policy to sell council houses and invoked his statutory right to complain to the District Auditor , he was debarred from at the same time pursuing the alternative remedy of applying to the courts for judicial review .
2 With the death of Fisher , ended the association of Halling with the Bishops .
3 Entitled ‘ See Yourself in Hair d-sign ’ this video is aimed to encourage those thinking of starting in the business from scratch .
4 There was a good deal of plotting in the Cabinet , and amongst the dissident ex-Coalitionists .
5 It is unlikely to be in exactly the same position , even if she could find it , for during the night there is a great deal of jostling among the youngsters and any one of them may have moved about eighteen inches or so .
6 Following the war , a great deal of redrafting of the official creed took place , and Scouting for Boys was repeatedly updated so that not only was militarism explicitly disowned , but the earlier racial imperialism was swapped for international brotherhood and goodwill .
7 There has been a great deal of crossing with the Charolais .
8 For example , we might have 10000 cattle distributed over 100 farms ; a simple random sample of 200 cattle is likely to involve most of these herds , resulting in a great deal of travelling by the investigators .
9 It was disappointingly empty of anything I could comprehend ; mainly there was local news , with a great deal of editorializing about the German Constitution .
10 Self-directed learning takes a great deal of planning by the teaching team , and teachers are reluctant to let go of the responsibility of being the main teaching resource .
11 At the Hammersmith Schools at West London Stadium , the ground was always packed and there was a lot of enthusiasm and a good deal of betting on the races going on .
12 Table 4.4 Recent trading history on MATIF , main contracts The Government Bond futures and options contracts account for the bulk of trading on the MATIF .
13 The defeat of Flown in the Smurfit Champion Hurdle proved costly for many punters .
14 Fathman ( 1975 ) also uses speed of learning as the explanatory variable for younger people learning more effectively , but she points out that the order of acquisition in second language learning does not change with age .
15 This does not provide a big enough buffer stock to allow each group to vary its speed of working through the day to a significant enough degree .
16 With regard to the quality of actual provision in school libraries , the level of understanding of libraries and the use to which they are put , and the adequacy of resourcing across the country , give cause for much concern .
17 The operation has to be performed within limits of 1 mm and any deviation from this may have disastrous consequences , resulting in total loss of hearing in the ear being operated upon .
18 Tendinitis ( constriction of the nerve tissues caused by over development of arm muscles , leading to loss of feeling in the hands ) is a regular paddock malady .
19 ‘ The disappointment of losing in the final has gone .
20 As a result of living within the rigours of a farming calendar these people understood the imperatives of the seasons ; they knew instinctively that the day did not stop just because it was dark , that work might be slack one day but fraught for the next three .
21 On appeals against the assessments , the taxpayers having conceded that they had received an emolument as a result of participating in the concessionary fees scheme but maintaining that the cash equivalent of the benefit had to be determined under the principle of marginal costing , the special commissioner found that the school incurred no additional expenditure in educating the taxpayers ' sons other than on certain items of equipment and on food that together cost less than the concessionary fees paid and allowed the appeals .
22 As a result of participating in the programme members would be able
23 However as a result of participating in the CU , tariffs against the partner countries ' exports are abolished .
24 Moreover , the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 , and the emergence of public deficit financing , led to the appearance of a new force in politics , that of the " monied interest " , men who had made huge fortunes as a result of investing in the national debt .
25 There are provisions enabling investors to recover loss they have suffered as a result of entering into the share transactions .
26 Even though equity together with rescission gives an indemnity , this is limited in scope to cover only expenditure necessarily incurred as a result of entering into the contract ( Whittington v Seale-Hayne ( 1900 ) 82 LT 49 ) .
27 The overall pattern of the fields is the result of planning by the late eighteenth-century enclosure surveyors .
28 In a statement on Nov. 22 the Karen National Union ( KNU ) estimated that over 800 civilians , 375 government troops and 27 Karen guerrillas had been killed as a result of fighting during the last six weeks in the lower central Irrawaddy Delta , south-east of Rangoon .
29 In Aceh Province ( northern Sumatra ) hundreds of people were reported killed and hundreds more missing as a result of fighting between the armed forces and separatist rebels .
30 Supplies from Russia via Georgia were down by one-third , due to a combination of pressure from Azerbaijan , pilfering , and local disruption as a result of fighting in the area .
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