Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [adj] day ' " in BNC.

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1 His military career ended with a sentence of twenty-eight days ' detention for absence without leave .
2 Approved social workers under the Act would require specialist training and an appraisal of their competence , and the central council for education and training in Social Work ( CCETSW ) insists upon a minimum of sixty days ' training culminating in formal examinations .
3 Consequently many managers are unwilling to take on an ‘ unemployed ’ worker , however tempting their offer of several days ' service per week , as they can not cope with the high turnover of staff that ensues .
4 Charges are higher than for the society 's standard dealing system because the stockbroker can not itself be paid on the deal until the end of the stock exchange account , an average of 10 days ' delay .
5 All have now done an average of ten days ' sailing aboard British Steel Challenge and are being given what is termed ‘ continuation training ’ .
6 We know from the parable of the labourers in the vineyard that one penny or one donarius was an accepted whole day 's wage for a twelve day in the heat of the sun in the great harvest , so the two pence was the equivalent of two days ' wages .
7 They were the citoyens who paid at least the equivalent of three days ' work in direct tax .
8 Some observer data on incidental catches on four vessels of the red squid fleet , over a total of 67 days ' fishing through the 1980s , showed that 105 marine mammals died in 2870 k ( 2000 miles ) of drift-net - one death for each 27 kind of net .
9 Early redemption of a loan carries a penalty of 90 days ' extra interest , except during the first year of the five year deal , when an additional 150 days ' interest is levied .
10 I represented this city at Florence at the cost of two days ' leave , and having my pocket picked at the station
11 In Paul Guillaume 's gallery a book on African sculpture was selling for fifty francs in 1917 ; it was a book Modigliani would have prized , but at the cost of three days ' subsistence plus one meal , it was out of the question .
12 In addition , employees may be granted up to a maximum of three days ' special leave .
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