Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] over a " in BNC.

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1 I could hardly blame him here — at least his feelings ; but even if , with an earlier and exact diagnosis he could have been spared a great deal of pain over a considerable period of time , I realize that nothing could have saved him .
2 The official peace negotiations in Rome had been blocked by a succession of differences over a wide range of political and constitutional issues .
3 First , those who stress the symbolic role of leaders , or the concentration of power over a few absolutely critical decisions in the hands of a power elite , view leadership as a zero-sum game .
4 It created a wide divergence of attitude over a range of policy issues , generated acute mutual suspicion , and prevented either capital from providing a core around which the nation 's business community could coalesce .
5 Any parent who has had an insomniac or hyperactive child will know the situation in which interruption of sleep over a long period frays tempers and seeks some other scapegoat than the child ; husband and wife may end in screaming at each other across the bedroom .
6 Five Cabinet ministers resigned on July 26-27 when Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti called a vote of confidence over a media bill .
7 Studies of internal friction of polystyrene over a temperature range from near absolute zero to 200°C or more show four distinct " peaks " or regions of energy absorption .
8 In the USA , it notes , there has been a storm of protest over a government decision not to insist on tests and labelling of genetically modified foods , which has led to calls for boycotts of gene foods .
9 Harmonic schemes on a larger scale , spanning large movements or in successions of movements , also require planning , for some change of key over a large area is needed to create contrast and relief .
10 Firms with a sustained high level of exports over a longer period may provide further figures for consideration as a consistent exporter .
11 Another example of a conflict between official and unofficial group norms can be drawn from a situation where a group itself decides to operate a certain level of output over a given time , regardless of targets set by the management in their search for increased efficiency and productivity .
12 The 30-nation talks in Geneva failed to bridge the gap between countries such as Germany and the Nordic states , which are seeking a 79 per cent cut in emissions by the end of the decade , and those like the UK and France which want a lower level of cuts over a longer period .
13 A replacement will be announced in the next few days , while it has emerged that Donald Carr , who once as England captain poured a bucket of water over a Pakistani umpire , was proposed as referee for the recent Pakistan-Sri Lanka series — and like Graveney , was not surprisingly rejected .
14 It related to an incident last August in Manchester Road Swindon when Mr Neilsen threw a bucket of water over a prostitute , Rachel Symonds .
15 ‘ Now all she needs is a bit of work over a mile and a quarter on Tuesday and she 'll be ready for Longchamp .
16 Those who tend to see the eighteenth century as above all " the Age of Wesley " usually bring a good deal of retrospectivity to their view of the rise of Methodism over a period at the end of which Methodists were still not especially numerous in the nation as a whole .
17 In the same pan , dissolve the sugar in one tablespoon of water over a low heat , then cook until just beginning to turn golden .
18 Hand studied 65 theses on entomology produced within the colleges of the University of London over a five year period .
19 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the fabric of mid-Victorian hegemony was shattered by a series of structural contradictions , from economic retardation and industrial unrest , to growing socialist and feminist political militancy and intensification of anxiety over a whole range of social issues .
20 In addition to their port duties , Lerwick staff had to cover controls at Sumburgh Airport which was thirty miles south of Lerwick over a bumpy switchback road .
21 The sounds are the same as those of daylight , yet somehow the night magnifies and sharpens the creak of a yielding block , the sigh of air over a shroud , the stretching of a sail , the hiss of water sliding sleek against the hull , the curl of a quarter-wave falling away , and the thump as a wave strikes the cutwater to be sheared into two bright slices of whiteness .
22 Each compartment can be used to hold a particular type of component over a limited range of values .
23 The main difference , though , was that while Pompeii was obliterated by the steady accumulation of ashes over a long period , perhaps as much as two days , Herculaneum was overwhelmed in a matter of minutes , possibly well after the eruption proper had ceased .
24 The accumulation of data over a long period of time is a situation that lends itself well to the use of a microcomputer .
25 After that going for gold involves participating in a wide range of activities over a period of at least 18 months .
26 Manufacturers selling a wide range of products over a wide geographical area to a market numbered in millions would find it prohibitively expensive to set up their own Highstreet stores , even if they were permitted to proliferate in this way .
27 An innkeeper , as we have seen , is under a duty to provide reasonable refreshment if so required and accommodation to a traveller ; hence , the innkeeper has a right of lien over a traveller 's property as well as over a guests ' to ensure that the traveller 's bill is duly paid .
28 The grant of a right of way over a road will include the following ancillary rights : ( 1 ) the right to stop for such time as is necessary to load and unload vehicles ( McIlraith v Grady [ 1968 ] 1 QB 468 ) but only where there is no other convenient place to stop London and Suburban Land v Carey ( 1991 ) 62 P & CR 480 ) ; and ( 2 ) the right to a sufficiency of vertical space immediately above the road for the purpose of loading and unloading ( VT Engineering Ltd v Barland ( Richard ) & Co Ltd ( 1968 ) 19 P & CR 890 ) .
29 In 1923 the USA and Britain reached an agreement for repayment of debts over a 62-year period at 3.3% interest .
30 A period of under-provision over a number of years is likely to be reflected on the shelves in subject gaps or in the poor physical condition of stock .
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