Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , you need a heavy bomb to cast the distance , so you may as well use bolt-rig tactics that will take a great deal of sag out of that great length of line when you clip up to the rod .
2 Yeah I do n't think they 're doing a great er I do n't think they 're making a great deal of money out of it themselves .
3 I have no interest myself in Michener or a lot of the writers of very long sagas erm who have made a great deal of money out of it .
4 Being organised can take a great deal of worry out of a single life .
5 Unlike the Jakob cats , Griselda spent a good deal of time out of doors .
6 However , for someone supposed to be very clever , he seemed to get a great deal of pleasure out of ordinary things .
7 Many people see the penis as a joke ; although I 've never got a great deal of amusement out of mine .
8 I derived a great deal of amusement out of this because he got so carried away , huffing and puffing , and once he unleashed a mighty kick with ‘ Take that , you bastard ’ , sadly forgetting that he was still chained at the time .
9 If we understand people as continually persisting in what we have earlier termed ‘ identity projects ’ it need come as no surprise to find increasingly affluent households necessarily consuming pastiche , the extraction of history out of context , and superficiality as a normal way of life .
10 On the other hand , most Greek historians at the height of the classical era put the bulk of Macedonians out among ‘ the barbarians ’ .
11 In Italy , a general strike in May 1922 , enabled Mussolini 's Fascists to drive the Communist Administration of Bologna out of office , and later that year , Mussolini unseated the government and handed over the administration to the King and the Army , which left the Italian King with little alternative but to ask Mussolini to form a new government , which was sworn-in on 31st .
12 Dealers said there was also some buying of pounds out of Singapore .
13 Mrs McDougall was in her kitchen taking a batch of bread out of the oven .
14 Avoiding the big European states , and ignoring Cold War political boundaries , Germany 's leading poet discovers a continent of countries out of step with history and with each other .
15 ‘ Oh , ’ says Howard wittily , ‘ trying to get the fear of God out of them . ’
16 I 've got a knackered left arm where the car went over it ; they took a piece of bone out of the shoulder , so there 'll need to be a lot of physio on it .
17 He set down the plate and taking a piece of newspaper out of his pocket wrapped the fat up and put it in his pocket .
18 When I approached and held a piece of chicken out to him he opened his eyes in surprise and at first refused to take it .
19 I learnt how to make fish , and fruit , and a piece of meat out of wood and coloured paper .
20 Oh God do n't wan na do my fucking musical , I 've got ta make a flipping piece of music out from a stupid scale .
21 Cranston took the greasy piece of parchment out of his wallet and handed it over .
22 I made her some coffee and she sat and watched while Doone picked a piece of paper out of his breast pocket and handed it to Sam .
23 He totted up the figures night after night , and ‘ he would take that piece of paper out of his pocket and look at it again and again ’ .
24 On the plane , which had armrests a foot wide , made in a plastic that looked like jellied gold lamé , he pretended suddenly to have remembered something and drew a rumpled piece of paper out of his wallet .
25 Then her hand shot out and she whipped the piece of paper out of his pocket , moving so quickly that he had no chance to stop her .
26 He stood up and went over to an escritoire and took a piece of paper out of a drawer .
27 He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and declaimed :
28 ‘ It 's his pleasure , ’ he said , ‘ that figure of mischief over there , to blow any piece of rubbish out of his mouth and challenge me to return it .
29 Harvey got a piece of canvas out of the front of the car and then pike took his overcoat off and they wrapped the coat into the canvas and strapped it up very tight on a long strap , the other end of which they fixed to the belt of Ralph pike 's overalls .
30 When she was level with the edge of the thatch , she stopped and leaned over with well practised ease to take her tin of money out from its hiding place under the thatch .
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